Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pictures of the "EVENT"

Christy, our in house photographer, came by today with pictures from the ordination. We spent the whole morning going through her collection of images. Here is our pictorial study of the big day.

This is quite an event and like all such events - it starts with the procession.

Then, of course, we sang some hymns.

Then we heard the Bishop preach.

Finally the Rev is at the rail.

And here is the big moment, the laying on of hands.

Finally, it is time to move on.

And here is the Rev - wearing the stole for the very first time.

The Rev and I want to thank all of you who have helped and supported us this past seven years. There are so many names and so many pictures that there is no way I can put all in this simple blog. But please know that you are appreciated.

And as always we both wish you

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I couldn't be happier for my fab Mom! She certainly made us all proud.