Sorry4urloss did it again this week. This is starting to be a trend. He established himself early and built his stack along the way. That’s how we all like to do it but don’t often succeed. It seems that Sorry is showing that he can do it often. The chat got very fun at our table when Marti got us talking about golf. At least that is what it looked like – but somehow I don’t think the descriptions of putters and a smooth, trimmed fairway was just about the country club. Oh well, I guess it was one of those “you had to be there” things.
Any way, here is my story – written in the heat of battle.
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Hey, it’s Saturday night and time for another Holdem Affair. I apologize to everyone for missing last week. My wife and I went to the theater to see “The Sting”. It was a very nice night but mainly because of the company. I must admit that I don’t get to go out with Carol very often, so when I get the chance – I take it. The play was amateurish at best – not my usual experience at our community theater. They had several rookies in this production, though, and it showed in the first act. After intermission they settled down and did a very nice job.
Let’s see how many we have tonight. Wow – we have 50 tonight. What a great field. Let’s have some fun.
Thirty minutes in and Thunder3 is our chip leader. Wouldn’t you know he is sitting directly across from me. Oh well, he could be to my left.
Thirty-nine minutes in and we are down to 40 players. We are seeing a bit of action on these tables tonight.
We made it to the break. Looks like Agro is our leader now. Here is your leader board:
Agro = 8265
Thunder3 = 5515
Jennifear = 4420
Jillymae = 3460
Sunbob = 3200
Bunnaboy1 = 3095
Sorry4urloss = 3045
Daggit13 = 2915
RayNCallie = 2915
Avata = 2730
One hour and twenty – we are down to 30.
1:52 and we have 20. The chat is getting randy. Marti has the whole table fluffed. We are having a great discussion. Must be a lot of golfers at this table. I realize I haven’t written anything this past hour. The chat at this table has me in stitches.
It’s time for the second hour break. Jillymae is our leader.
Jillymae = 9195
Avata = 8455
Xgames4me = 6825
MisterSGB = 6360
Agro = 5900
Sorry4urloss = 5770
Coachstove = 5280
Slick63 = 5160
DaleT = 5035
Big lar8 = 4770
We are down to 14 and getting ready to seat the final table. I’m in 11th place. When we come back the blinds will be 200/400 and I have 3600. Time to move or go home.
DaleT is gone in 13th.
Big lar8 just went out when Jillymae spiked an ace on the river to crack his kings.
Down to 11 and hand by hand now. Who will be bubble boy? Hope it isn’t me.
Oh my, it almost was me. I saw a cheap flop from the BB with K9 and it flopped 9 high. I pushed and Jillymae turned over AA. I rivered a K to beat her and doubled up.
Holy cow – here we go, and we only have nine at the final table – paying five.
Sorry4urloss = 15275
Avata = 14160
MisterSGB = 13400
Jillymae = 10435
Sunbob = 9450
Agro = 6025
Slick63 = 4070
Hemi Henry = 1175
KOR = 1010
Hand 1- KOR isn’t going easy – caught a nine to beat Sorry4urloss and double up.
Hand 4 – Hemi Henry is gone.
Hand 14 – Jillymae with TT ran into Sorry4urloss with KK.
Hand 16 and slick63 is gone – done in by MisterSGB when his 55 hit the set. Now we are down to 6.
KOR has climbed into third place.
Blinds 400/800 now.
This is getting tense. No one wants to go out.
Hand 39 – wow did I get lucky. I pushed from the button with JTo and Agro called in the big blind with AQo. I flopped JT and knocked him out to make the money table. That is brutal. This can be such a cruel game. You play for over two hours to be on the bubble of cashing – get your money in as a 63/37 favorite – and the luck box knocks you out.
Hand 45 – MisterSGB is done – 33 vs. TT
Blinds 600/1200
Hand 81 and I’m out in 4th place. I got blinded down to nothing and had to push from the BB with 46s. No match for KOR – who turned a four card flush but the high cards would have been enough.
Hand 89 – Sorry4urloss just clobbered Avata when they each held a 7 with two on the board. Sorry4urloss had paired his second card for the full house to all but knock him out.
Hand 92 and Avata is gone.
Sorry4urloss is the big time leader – better than 4 to 1 in chips. KOR has climbed from the desperate stack when we sat the FT and now is HEADS UP.
Hand 98 and KOR just hi a boat when 99 set with a pair on the board. It might be a horse race after all.
Hand 99 – well, maybe not – Sorry4urloss just took many of those chips back.
Hand 105 and that’s it.
Congratulations to sorry4urloss in posting another win but I think he would agree that the final table performance award goes to KOR for that tremendous climb from the cellar into second place.
Thank you all for a wonderful and entertaining evening.
Any way, here is my story – written in the heat of battle.
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Hey, it’s Saturday night and time for another Holdem Affair. I apologize to everyone for missing last week. My wife and I went to the theater to see “The Sting”. It was a very nice night but mainly because of the company. I must admit that I don’t get to go out with Carol very often, so when I get the chance – I take it. The play was amateurish at best – not my usual experience at our community theater. They had several rookies in this production, though, and it showed in the first act. After intermission they settled down and did a very nice job.
Let’s see how many we have tonight. Wow – we have 50 tonight. What a great field. Let’s have some fun.
Thirty minutes in and Thunder3 is our chip leader. Wouldn’t you know he is sitting directly across from me. Oh well, he could be to my left.
Thirty-nine minutes in and we are down to 40 players. We are seeing a bit of action on these tables tonight.
We made it to the break. Looks like Agro is our leader now. Here is your leader board:
Agro = 8265
Thunder3 = 5515
Jennifear = 4420
Jillymae = 3460
Sunbob = 3200
Bunnaboy1 = 3095
Sorry4urloss = 3045
Daggit13 = 2915
RayNCallie = 2915
Avata = 2730
One hour and twenty – we are down to 30.
1:52 and we have 20. The chat is getting randy. Marti has the whole table fluffed. We are having a great discussion. Must be a lot of golfers at this table. I realize I haven’t written anything this past hour. The chat at this table has me in stitches.
It’s time for the second hour break. Jillymae is our leader.
Jillymae = 9195
Avata = 8455
Xgames4me = 6825
MisterSGB = 6360
Agro = 5900
Sorry4urloss = 5770
Coachstove = 5280
Slick63 = 5160
DaleT = 5035
Big lar8 = 4770
We are down to 14 and getting ready to seat the final table. I’m in 11th place. When we come back the blinds will be 200/400 and I have 3600. Time to move or go home.
DaleT is gone in 13th.
Big lar8 just went out when Jillymae spiked an ace on the river to crack his kings.
Down to 11 and hand by hand now. Who will be bubble boy? Hope it isn’t me.
Oh my, it almost was me. I saw a cheap flop from the BB with K9 and it flopped 9 high. I pushed and Jillymae turned over AA. I rivered a K to beat her and doubled up.
Holy cow – here we go, and we only have nine at the final table – paying five.
Sorry4urloss = 15275
Avata = 14160
MisterSGB = 13400
Jillymae = 10435
Sunbob = 9450
Agro = 6025
Slick63 = 4070
Hemi Henry = 1175
KOR = 1010
Hand 1- KOR isn’t going easy – caught a nine to beat Sorry4urloss and double up.
Hand 4 – Hemi Henry is gone.
Hand 14 – Jillymae with TT ran into Sorry4urloss with KK.
Hand 16 and slick63 is gone – done in by MisterSGB when his 55 hit the set. Now we are down to 6.
KOR has climbed into third place.
Blinds 400/800 now.
This is getting tense. No one wants to go out.
Hand 39 – wow did I get lucky. I pushed from the button with JTo and Agro called in the big blind with AQo. I flopped JT and knocked him out to make the money table. That is brutal. This can be such a cruel game. You play for over two hours to be on the bubble of cashing – get your money in as a 63/37 favorite – and the luck box knocks you out.
Hand 45 – MisterSGB is done – 33 vs. TT
Blinds 600/1200
Hand 81 and I’m out in 4th place. I got blinded down to nothing and had to push from the BB with 46s. No match for KOR – who turned a four card flush but the high cards would have been enough.
Hand 89 – Sorry4urloss just clobbered Avata when they each held a 7 with two on the board. Sorry4urloss had paired his second card for the full house to all but knock him out.
Hand 92 and Avata is gone.
Sorry4urloss is the big time leader – better than 4 to 1 in chips. KOR has climbed from the desperate stack when we sat the FT and now is HEADS UP.
Hand 98 and KOR just hi a boat when 99 set with a pair on the board. It might be a horse race after all.
Hand 99 – well, maybe not – Sorry4urloss just took many of those chips back.
Hand 105 and that’s it.
Congratulations to sorry4urloss in posting another win but I think he would agree that the final table performance award goes to KOR for that tremendous climb from the cellar into second place.
Thank you all for a wonderful and entertaining evening.
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