Sunday, January 21, 2007


Our favorite superhero broke through and posted his second Holdem Affair victory this week.  Spideytwo is a regular feature at the final tables in our little event and this week the cards fell his way.  I want to get this story right because the first time he won I was out of town and didn’t get to write the story.

It was a good field this week.  Forty-seven of our favorite sharks sat down to play this week.  Holland13 was our chip leader as the final two tables were battling toward the bubble.  Poor Hazy Cat was denied another final table run when his pocket rockets were busted by Smurfette turning her AK into a straight.  Here is your final table.
  1. Holland13 = 15755

  2. Smurfette = 10470

  3. Spideytwo = 9090

  4. DaleT = 8570

  5. Rankdizzle = 8390

  6. big lar8 = 5555

  7. ThePokerWolf = 5195

  8. VictorDave = 3335

  9. Takechances = 2935

  10. Corn Grinder = 1205

With the blinds already 200/400 on the first hand, Corn Grinder was very short stacked.  He pushed his Ah 4h but ran into DaleT with big slick.  One hand and one gone.

Hand 3 and ThePokerWolf sees two queens staring back at him.  He raised to 1000 and when Holland13 re-raised him he was happy to get it all into the middle.  Oops, Holland13 turned over As Kh.  The very first card to hit the felt was the Ah and ThePokerWolf was gone for the night.  Three hands and two gone.

It settled down to the normal war until hand 14.  Antes 75 and blinds 300/600 – all fold to VictorDave in the small blind.  Dave pushed all 2360 chips in on the steal.  But Takechances plays up to his name and made the call holding just Kd Tc.  But it was a good call because Dave turned over a very modest 2h 3d.  The flop came Jc 3h 9h and it looked like Dave would survive getting caught but the Qs on the turn gave Takechances his straight and we were down to seven.

Hand 25 and Rankdizzle is down to 5215 – just 9BB to fire with so when he saw As 3s in his hand he fired all of his bullets.  Takechances came over the top for 5140 driving the rest of the field to the muck.  TC had called with Ac Js.  The Jc on the flop was all he needed to send Rankdizzle to the lounge in 7th place.

We were paying five tonight so it was bubble time.  This is where spideytwo made his move.  He started to push and won three of the next ten hands.  Then on hand 37 he took on DaleT from his position in the big blind.  They were to the felt before the flop with DaleT showing Ah Jd but Spideytwo turning over Ac Qd.  The Qs showed up on the flop and Spideytwo was now in second place.

DaleT battled back and was actually back into 4th place by hand 47.  But he pushed just once too often when he pushed with As 7s and ran into big lar8 holding Ad Js.  Not a single spade came out to play and the board missed them both.  The jack kicker was the difference.  DaleT was gone in 6th place just two hands later.

Money table time and big lar8 holds the lead with 20910.  Holland13 was a close second with 17210.  Smurfette and TC were close on his heels with 11625 and 11285.  Spideytwo was bringing up the rear with 9470.

Hand 56 and spideytwo was down to just 6070 with the blinds 400/800.  He raised to 4400 and Holland13 re-raised him.  PUSH was the response from the spider and we were racing.  Spideytwo showed Ac 9d, good enough to push when you are short.  Holland13 held As Qd, good enough to push back against the short stack.  It was classic tournament action.  And true to tournament form, it was a race to the turn.  Then the 9s smiled on spideytwo to double him up and get him back in the game.

This table of five battled for the next twenty hands.  The on hand 78, the two short stacks went to war.  With the antes 600/1200 Holland13 was down to his last 8315 and Smurfette her last 6525.  All the chips were in the middle before the flop with Holland13 staking his life on Td 8d and Smurfette on pocket fours.  No help for either on the flop and the turn just paired the board to the nine.  Smurfette was looking good on this one.  But the darn river card was the Ts and Smurfette was our 5th place winner.

These four danced for the next 16 hands as Holland13 and big lar8 consolidated their strangle hold on the final table.  Then on hand 95 TC pushed with Qd Tc in an attempt to steal the blinds from spideytwo.  But spidey didn’t want to lay down his Kh Js and made the right call.  The board missed them both and Takechances was done for the night.

Spideytwo was now in the lead but there was only 6000 chips separating first from third.  It was a virtual dead heat.  Spideytwo then took command of the table taking 8 of the next 12 hands.  Hand 109 Holland13 doubled up through big lar8 and Larry was now in deep trouble.  Larry got some traction on hand 113 and a bit more life a couple of hands later.  Then hand 121, Holland13 raised to 5250 and big lar8 re-raised all-in for 8645.  Holland13 made the call with just Ks 9s.  Good enough as big lar8 held a dominated Kc 6c.  The six on the flop gave Larry hope but the 9d on the river gave him his exit.  Big Lar8 finished in 3rd place.

The heads up match lasted just four hands.  These two play fast and hard.  With spideytwo holding a very slight chip lead Holland13 pushed against a re-raise from spidey.  Holland13 held Ac 9d and spideytwo was counting on his pocket nines to rule.  The nines held up and won the day for Spideytwo.

Great game all.


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