Saturday, August 06, 2011

Carrots, potatoes and eggplant. . . Oh my.

Carrots, potatoes, eggplant, squash, cucumber, garlic, beets, onion, tomatoes.  That is the CSA box this week.  I decided to take a picture of the whole box this week.

Oh and I forgot to mention the eggs, but they are actually an addition to our weekly box.  Rick at Small Potatoes has been disappointed with the production of his fields this year.  He sent an email to us today apologizing for the meager harvests.  This summer has been tough with torrential rains drowning the young plants followed by hail storms beating them up, and then intense record heat drying them out and baking the soil into pavement.  But I don't think he needs to apologize.  It has been more than enough for the Rev and I.  In fact we have had to work at keeping up.  What a problem - having to force ourselves to eat fresh, delicious, and healthful organic produce each and every day.

It has felt a little strange as I zip right past the produce department at HyVee each week as I do my shopping.  There really isn't much more to get in that area.  Just bread, a little meat, milk and butter from the dairy department and beverages is all I need and I'm good.

I have to add that I discovered a spice shop in our neighborhood and have added fresh spices to the pantry.  Penzys is the shop and although I just found them this past week, I am very impressed with my initial choices.  I think I may become a regular at that shop.

Well it looks like we are getting a break from the intense heat and just going to settle into our normal hot August weather for a few days.  That will be nice.

Enjoy the state fair.  Peace.

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