Sunday, July 04, 2010

Peace to This House

It is official - we have arrived.  The Rev had her first service at our new church.  We are now officially off and running.

In all, things went well.  The Rev preached on the lectionary passages from Luke that described Jesus sending out the 70 disciples to share God's peace.  It fit well with her message introducing herself to this new congregation.

We have been working hard these past few weeks getting moved to Des Moines and getting ready for this day and this new chapter in our lives.  We have moved into the parsonage and Rev is in her new office.  It is good.  Now the real work begins.

Luke tells us that Jesus' message from the 70 was "The Kingdom of God has come near you".  May Jesus' message be felt in your lives as well as ours.

Peace to this house.

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