Saturday, November 03, 2007

Xgames4me In Spite of UB

What a strange night for UB. The new upgrade was having some real problems dealing with the Saturday night crowd. But inspite of UB, Xgames4me came out on top. He showed some very aggressive play at the final table and it paid off for him tonight.

A note from Sunbob: I have edited this report because, like an idiot, I had Xgames' name wrong. It is Xgames4me. Xgames is a very valued, long time member of the Holdem Affair family and I apologise for getting it wrong.

Here is the story.
Well, it’s Saturday night and time for another Holdem Affair. And this week I’m logged in and registered. No way am I going to get shut out like last week. Only 14 players entered? Can that be right?

Well, I guess that is right. Apparently the tournament software hasn’t been running right. Well, it’s running now and we are off.

The tables are running fine but there is no tournament lobby. As Hatch66 observed – “It’s the first Saturday night with the new software. It was bound to happen”.

Speaking of the new software – what do people think of the resizable tables? I happen to like them. I don’t multitable much but I do like to railbird my friends as I play my own game. I can easily have 4 tables on my old 17” monitor screen.

Well, 30 minutes in and we are down to 12. It’s going to be a short night. I think.

Well, we are waiting for the FT to be seated. Let’s see if I can figure out the table.
In no particular order:
Big lar8 = 1965
Bugman22j = 1405
Xgames4me = 3450
Hazy Cat = 2155
Sunbob = 1525
Chip Leigh = 4490
Nutty = 1725
Marti = 1545
DriveULoonie = 2225
VictorDave = 515

BTW, MARTI WANTS ALL TO KNOW THAT SHE IS VERY SORRY FOR ALL THE HASSLE. – As if anyone would blame her – LOL. This is a traditional “UB Upgrade” – we have all been through it before.

Well, they took forever to change to the FT and theN we took a five minute break. Are we ever going to see a hand?

Here we go.

Hand 4 – I just took out VictorDave with AQ vs. his KQ.

Well, we got 14 hands in and then we took another break. This is very strange – even for UB.

Hand 21 and Marti went in with 44 only to run into Chip Leigh with QQ.

Hand 33 and Hazy Cat just ran into Xgames trapping with a set of deuces. We are down to seven.

Hand 44 and I took out nutty when I called the shortie all-in with 22. My ducks held up for a change.

Hand 53 and DriveULoonie is gone to Xgames with a set.

Hand 74 – bugman22j is out. Xgames caught a straight to bust him.

Hand 82 and Chip Leigh is our chip leader with 9625. He has been dominating this table. We are down to 4 and paying three so it is bubble action. Big Lar8 is
Our shortest stack with only 2190 and the blinds 100/200. Chip Leigh opened for 700 and Big Lar8 pushed. Chip thought for a while and called with Ah Th. Lar showed Ac 4c. The flop came Ad 4h Kd. Can you believe it? Chip had him dead to right and I was going to cash. After that hand, Chip was still in the lead but the rest of us are all sitting healthy with 4000 plus in our stacks.

Hand 88 and I made a big oops. All called to Chip Leigh in the big blind and he raised on what looked to me like a steal. I held 77 and pushed on the re-steal. Chip turned over AA and I was done in 4th place, paying three.

That gave Chip a huge chip lead again and then disaster struck. On hand 91 Chip had Xgames all-in and dominated only to see Xgames river the card he needed to double up. The very next hand, Xgames hit him again and Chip Leigh has gone from dominating the table to the rail. He is gone in third place.

Big Lar8 has gone from life support just 10 hands earlier to being heads up.

Just one hand in the heads up match and xgames4me is our winner.

What a come back for xgames4me.

Good game to all at this crazy final table. UB is still messed up. Xgames is sitting all alone with all the chips and the program still thinks he has an opponent. Maybe I’m glad I bubbled. Who knows who will get paid? Oh, I shouldn’t be so catty. UB will get it straight in the end.

Good night all and


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