Friday, September 09, 2011

Patty Pan Squash

Well look what we found in our CSA box this week.  That is a patty pan squash at the top sitting next to what I'm pretty sure is a Zephyr squash.  Those are both summer squashes and very tasty.  Then, could that be 2 kinds of eggplant or maybe just one type that has grown differently.  I'm thinking it is two varieties.  And then I saw the first muskmelon of the year.  I can't wait to cut that open.  Each fall the trucks come up from Muscatine in the southern part of Iowa full of melons.  But this one was grown locally.

We continue to get more garlic, carrots and peppers.  The Rev isn't big on garlic and was wondering what we would be able to do with all of them, but I assured her we could put them downstairs and they would last all winter.  I think we can probably do the same with the carrots.

I'm not sure how many more boxes we are going to be getting, it's getting late in our season but this has been a fun ride this summer.  We haven't talked it over yet, but I will be voting to do this again next year.

Enjoy the last days of summer and welcome autumn - the best time of the year.  Here it comes.


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