Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chilean mine rescue - Amazing

I'm sitting here watching the rescue of the miners in Chile.  What a great scene.  An amazing story.  Seventy days trapped underground and they are now coming out alive and well.

You have to give Chile credit for how they have handled this tragedy.  I don't think many people had a dry eye when that first miner hugged his son.  And then we had Super Mario come up on the second trip and I think he hugged everyone in sight.

Now we are waiting for the third miner to pop out of that hole.  Here he comes - his wife is waiting.  There is the "Fenix 2".  Easy Carmen - let him get out of the capsule.  And look at that smile.  .  .  .  . Now she can hug him.

This is such a great story on so many levels.  A story tremendous faith and determination.  It was the determination of this Chilean president that these miners would be rescued.  He is succeeding.  And for me the real story is the faith of these miners.  It was 17 days before anyone outside of that mine knew they were alive.  Repeatedly, the families and the miners have spoken of their faith in God.  They are all saying that it has been their faith that has kept them going.

Let's all pray for the continued success of this rescue.  As of right now, they have 30 more to go.  This will take most of 2 days to finish.  A lot can happen in 2 days.

In a world where everyone seems to be at war - it is good to have an example of

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