Chuck made the trip from Hawaii to Mound to see his new granddaughter so I had to make the much shorter trip from Des Moines to see him. I spent the day with Chuck. We took Mom and Dad out for lunch then we drove around our old stamping grounds and shared stories of growing up in Mound.
Three Points has changed a lot since the 50's when Chuck and I lived there so we all had a great time driving around that little peninsula into Lake Minnetonka. Chuck and I both agreed that the summers in Three Points were pretty good for two young boys. Baseball in the morning, swimming in the afternoons and in between we went fishing. All within walking distance or a short trip on our bicycles. Those were good times.
That evening all five of the boys got together at Steve's house for dinner. We swapped stories and sampled the various brands of whiskey in Steve's stock. It is a rare occasion anymore when we can all get together in one place but I must say that there isn't better company in my world.
Here are more pictures.