I had the role of reading the scripture but that also meant I was up front and couldn't back away to get a picture of the event. Well, Brian just sent me one of his shots. This is the one shot that I didn't get that I wanted of that trip. Thank you Brian.
We were at the site of the pool in Bethesda where Jesus healed the lame beggar. The theme of water and frustration and yet, the healing that could come out of that situation was not lost on the Rev. She told a story of a woman in our town whose home was destroyed by the flood waters. This lady had received money from FEMA to rebuild her home and had hired a contractor to do the work. Unfortunately that contractor quit coming after only a couple of days and she was very desperate when some youth from our church came to her door. They were canvassing in the flooded neighborhoods, looking for people who needed help. This lady couldn't believe that a group from a church she had never attended - that didn't know her at all - would be interested in assisting her. She was skeptical at first but agreed to let them assist her.
The Rev tells the story better than I but, to make this story short, we rebuilt her home and for the first time in her life, this lady allowed God into her heart. She was welcomed into our congregation and was baptized last fall.
Healing comes in many ways. I am reminded by these stories that it is my task as a Christian to share God's love whenever and wherever I can. Then stand back and leave the outcome to Him.
God's peace to you all.
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