I got an email from Txmom22 telling me about how much fun she had playing in the Bellagio Super Satellite entry tournament last Tuesday. She ran into several Holdem Affair members and had a great time. . . Well let’s let her tell you in her own words.
On Tuesday night, 3/14/06, 10:30 p.m., several Warriors, Mac Attackers, and Holdem Affair players entered a Bellagio Super Satellite tourney. Top three finishers would leave the event with a piece of the prize pool and a trip to Las Vegas for the $2,500 Bellagio Super Satellite. The Bellagio prize consists of the buy-in to the super satellite plus $1,000 travel expenses. Pays top 140 players. Sounds great so far!
The tourney began with 1,239 players and ran 5 hours, 21 minutes. Along the way, TxMom22 met up with Gjones on a couple of different tables. Hemi Henry and Deadmanshand played on the same table for a lengthy amount of time. We also saw Unionthug and the inimitable Annieboom. I believe there may have been a few more of us in the mix, but it was difficult to concentrate and keep up with the crowd at the same time. I apologize for missing any of our other buddies. In fact, I think Gjones and I were at the same table for about an hour before we even discovered each other. LOL
Tons of encouragement going back and forth. A few bad beats, a few rounds of bad cards or no cards, Hemi Henry was out in 661st place. Unionthug hung in until 147th. Gjones played so well but just couldn’t get the cards, he escaped going out almost as many times as TxMom22, finally succumbing in 85th place... in the money. We decided at that point we probably made about half of one cent an hour. Shortly before that time, I was down for the count, blinded out with pocket 10s. Good fortune came my way, as well as a couple of extremely good hands all in, and I was back in the chase
Annieboom was down (I believe) as low as 140 chips when I first found her. She rebounded with a vengeance and was hanging in for the long haul. Four hours or so in, Annieboom went out in 59th. I was tossed out on my rear in when I pushed in my 47,000 or so chips, in 24th place, in the money, but not in the top three. However, this was one of my best events so far, I didn’t make any major mistakes (we won’t talk about the last hand Ac 5c) so I was happy and relaxed.
The point of this missive is this...while playing, there was such a sense of friendship and family among those of us who managed to find each other (without the assistance of the still dead Ultimate Buddy). Second, we were so very difficult to get rid of. Each and every one of us made the other players work really, REALLY hard to put us out. We rebounded time and time again. At one point, someone said we were WARRIORS! It was true, we were definitely warriors. Winforlife would have been so proud.
I came away from this tourney feeling more strongly bonded than ever to this group of people we call friends. I felt like we encouraged other in a positive way, we leaned on each other, and we laughed and moaned together. Most of all, we were strong and persistent players who never gave up no matter how low the chip count fell. It was a superb evening. I believe that our small weekly games make each and every one of us a better player, a stronger player, and Henry and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Marti, Winforlife, and DebiMac for making this possible week after week after week. You guys are great!
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