Nutzrus is Back
Just in case you haven’t gotten the word. Nutzrus is back on the tables and reporting she is fine. Here is a message that many of us got. But just in case you haven’t heard here it is in her words.
Hi gang, yes, I'm home, grin. My house (neighborhood) hardly had any damage, no flooding. I have some minor roof damage but my husband is gonna get a whole new roof out the insurance company :)) The reason I wasnt home is because we had no electricity for a little over a month. My family and I lived at a huge church, they treated us like royalty :) They gave us our own room, bought us like $5,000. worth of clothes etc. Hell, I have like a years worth of toiletries, shampoo's, conditioners, toothpaste, razors etc. Well, you get the picture :)) My car was on its way out, so, hubby bought us a nice truck. So.....I just wanna say, I'm sorry I had no way of contacting any of you to letya know I was ok, I didnt have anyones cell # or anything.
1 comment:
I am so glad that you and your family are safe.I was very concerned about ya.....Can't wait to see you on the tables....((((((((nutz))))))))))))
Wuv ya
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