Saturday, December 30, 2006
Coachstove in a Rout
The final results found Coachstove in the winners circle for his fourth Holdem Affair victory. Hazy Cat was the heads up foil. Mellow Yellow had to settle for third place. WillBeRich made a very good showing to collect fourth place money. And Rankdizzle was clobbered by Coachstove and sent home with the fifth place money.
to everyone and
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Papoorboy in a Classy Finish
Rshocker took third place honors and knocked me out in the process. I was glad to settle for fourth place. Burldog44 went down in a blaze to finish fifth place.
Merry Christmas to all of you. And may the spirit of this celebration brighten your week and your hearts.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
A Den of Thieves
Forty-two players sat down for the Holdem Affair tonight. ThePokerWolf was our winner, with Sengar coming back from the dead after the first hour to claim second place. Slick63 was back in action and action he provided, with a remarkable recovery from a tremendous beat to finish in third. Divinetiger was up to his tricks at this final table, giving action as good as he got. And he got enough of the action to take home the fourth place money. Our dear, sweet, properly bathed DebiMac had to settle for fifth.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Jewelcard in the Bounty on UB
- Tazman070 = 709125
- descott = 400655
- Jewelcard = 319630
- JoeBabb = 161070
- 79transam = 37020
Jewelcard was climbing that ladder very well when he ran into JoeBabb on hand 67. They were down to just four players left. 79transma had already fallen. Jewelcard was firmly in third place with 293530 and JoeBabb right behind him with 222690. The antes were 1600 and the blinds 8000/16000. Jewelcard opened for 80000 and JoeBabb re-raised all-in. Jewelcard held Ah Td and decided to make the call. JoeBabb turned over As Js and our good friend was in trouble. The table finished 6h 3c 5s 4s 8d, missing them both. Jewelcard was now down to his last 70540. He stole the next blinds for 46400 and it looked like he might climb out of the short stack.
On hand 71 he limped in with Jc Tc along with JoeBabb and Descott. The flop came Qh 4s 5d. Both checked to Jewelcard and he pushed his last 54540. JoeBabb dove for cover but Descott made the call and turned over Qc 5s. I can’t fault Jewelcard for his play and it took a very good hand by descott with top two pair to bring Jewelcard to his end. The Kc on the turn made it interesting but the river 6d sent Jewelcard packing. He had to settle for fourth place in this 1,085 field and a nice little pay out to go with the bragging rights.
Way to go Jewelcard. It is always a treat to see one of our own Holdem Affair regulars go deep in the bigger fields.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Annieboom Breaks Through for the Win
Forty people sat down this week and it must have been another great night. As I look at the tournament results I see that they battled for nearly three hours. We had some new names in the field and some new faces at the final table. And I see that some of the regular sharks are notably absent from even the top twenty. Quite a night.
We paid five again this week. Your final standings looked like this.
- Annieboom
- Bugman22j
- gjones
- CowboyWillie
- michele1024 (now that’s a new name)
- Nik Domi
- Houn
- HolyDuces (another newcomer)
- Stevob19
- Mellow Yellow
Congratulations to all of the final table combatants. It isn’t easy getting there in this field and it is good to see new names showing up on the leaderboard.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Stevob19 Gets #2
We had a field of forty this week. A good turn out for our little event. We were down to 29 by the first hour break. Here are your leaders.
- VictorDave = 5325
- Jillymae = 4490
- the Tiburon = 3940
- Stevob19 = 3715
- Glenso = 3550
- CowboyWillie = 3250
- Purplesage = 2850
- winforlife = 2660
- skippy2 = 2405
- slotcrazy45 = 2140
It took another 45 minutes to shed those extra 19 players to set the final table. VictorDave fell on hard times in the second hour and just missed the final table this week. I’m sure we will see him back there next week. Here is your final table.
- the Tiburon = 8960
- Jillymae = 8500
- Stevob19 = 7350
- Glenso = 6490
- Purplesage = 5680
- CowboyWillie = 5410
- slotcrazy45 = 5165
- Sunbob = 4360
- Mellow Yellow = 4245
- SdBe = 1495
SdBe was our short stack going into the final table but had improved in the first orbit. When we got to hand 13 he was still low on chips but with the antes 25 and the blinds 150/300 was just in short stack status. But pocket tens is a good hand and when you need to make a play they are a welcome sight. All folded to me in the small blind and I raised to 1750. SdBe looked down at to see tens in the big blind and I’m sure he factored in that I could very easily be on a steal. He pushed his last 2565. I made the call because this time I wasn’t stealing with air – I held Ac Qc. No clubs on the flop and the turn was no help to me either. But I rivered the Qs and SdBe was our first casualty of the final table. And I was now the chip leader. But only for one hand. The Tiburon took the next pot and reclaimed the lead. But then I took it back on the next hand. This was getting fun.
Hand 16 and CowboyWillie was down to 1635 posting the small blind. Stevob19 raised to 1275 and Willie was holding Ah Tc. He decided it was time to take his stand and pushed his last 1610 into the middle. Good play but Steve held big slick this time. That king kicker was the difference and we were down to eight.
The action was fast in the early going this week. Hand 22 and Mellow Yellow was on life support with only 305 left in his armory. All in with ace deuce is good enough in this situation but the shark held Ad 9d. Tiburon took this one down and Mellow Yellow had to settle for eighth place this week.
The Tiburon was back in the chip lead but only for this hand. On the very next hand he ran into Glenso. Glenso opened for 1100 and Tiburon called from the big blind. The flop came 4h Tc Ac. Tiburon bet 2525 and Glenso came over the top for all 8380. The shark made the call and turned over Ad 9c for top pair and very good kicker. Oops, Glenso showed Ah Kh. Top pair better kicker. Both had the backdoor flush draw. The 5c on the turn gave Tiburon some more outs but the 7h on the river wasn’t one of them. Glenso was now our chip leader and Tiburon was now relegated to sixth position.
Hand 27. All fold to Slotcrazy45 on the button who min-raised to 600. Stevob19 re-raised to 2275 in the small blind on the re-steal. Slot made the call to see the flop fall low, 3h 4c 9h. Steve bet the pot taking slot all-in with her call. What in the world could these two have that hit that flop. Oh, okay – slotcrazy turned over pocket deuces but Stveob19 showed his pocket eights. The eights held up and slotcrazy45 was our 7th place finisher. That hand put Stevob19 in second place. – Glenso was still our leader.
The field was starting to shake out now and tighten up at the top. By hand 39 Glenso was still our leader at 14860 followed by Stevob19 with 13050, Sunbob 11545 and Jillymae with 10305. Purplesage had 5180 and the Tiburon only 5060.
We battled for another 20 hands without much change in the pecking order. Then on hand 60, Glenso opened for 2000 and the Tiburon pushed from the big blind for his final 5635. Kd Qs looks good against a steal attempt from the chip leader. You can’t fault our shark for the play. But this time Glenso held pocket tens. Isn’t that the classic tournament show down? Mid pocket pair versus two over cards. This time the pocket pair held up and the Tiburon was bubble boy. Bummer Ti. We had our money table paying five this week.
Hand 72 and the action is picking up now that the bubble has burst. Glenso has a commanding chip lead. All folded to Purplesage in the small blind who completed the bet and Stevob19 raised to 2175 in the big blind. Purplesage pushed back for the rest of he 9685 and we had a race. Purplesage with Ks Jd and Steve held Ad 9c. The 9d on the flop would have been enough but the river added insult with the As. Purplesage finished in the fifth place money. Stevob19 was now right up there with Glenso.
Just two hands later, I pushed UTG with my small stack of 5340 holding pocket sevens. Do you like the play? I thought it was going to be good but Stevob19 was right behind me with pocket queens. He re-raised and pushed everyone else out. No miracles for me this time. I settled for fourth place this week. I’ll take that any time with this field.
We were down to three now with Stevob19 in the lead with 27575, Glenso held second with 22495 and Jillymae was a distant third with 9930.
Hand 87 and Steve is puling away. Glen folded and jilly raised to 2025. Steve re-raised to 6300 to test jilly who pushed back with all 8730. Ks Qs looked good to Jillymae but Stevob19 held pocket sevens. Again the pocket pair held up in this race. Jillymae was our third place finisher.
Going into the heads up match, Stevob had 41330 and Glenso 18670. Glenso fought hard. He is always a force to contend with in a heads up match but this week he just couldn’t get any traction against Stevob19. But it took until hand 134 before Steve could finish the deal. They were all-in with Glenso showing 7h 8d and Stevob19 holding &h 9c. The flop hit them both with Ts 8c Qh but Glenso couldn’t get any further. Stevob19 had booked his second Holdem Affair victory and for the second week in a row Glenso had to settle for second place.
Another great week of poker and friendship. This is the highlight of my week. What does that tell you about my life?
Sunday, November 26, 2006
RipleyBP Won the Amazing Race
We paid five tonight. Doorie took the third place money. Jewelcard entered the final table dead last and climbed the ladder to finish in fourth place. He was short stacked most of the way but played masterfully to cash out tonight. Good to have you back Jewelcard. Annieboom completed the money table.
We had a strong field this week. Forty-two strong and we were still dealing to thirty-one when we got to the first hour break. Kryptic was leading the way and showing us how it was done. Here is your first hour leaderboard.
Kryptic = 6115
Verbalkint = 4355
Glenso = 3445
Doorie = 3415
Sunbob = 3365
Fatscotsman = 2940
Jewelcard = 2895
Guar64 = 2780
Jayzion = 2635
slotcrazy45 = 2525
As usual the second hour is when the tournament gets dicey. This week we battled hard for almost the whole hour before we set the final table. I took out Jennifear on the bubble when she pushed her pocket sixes into my pocket kings. That vaulted me to the top of the leaderboard and the final table was set one hour and 57 minutes into the match.
Sunbob = 11350
AAs up = 10960
Glenso = 10180
Doorie = 9200
annieboom = 5185
fatscotsman = 4250
the Tiburon = 3460
RipleyBP = 3210
slotcrazy45 = 2820
Jewelcard = 2385
I was on a roll going into the final table and feeling good about my chances. Little did I know that I had hit my peak for this evening and would never really be a contender at this table. This was another’s night to shine, not mine.
The very first hand of the final table, the Tiburon made a play to get a quick start. With just one limper showing any interest in the hand our favorite shark pushed from the big blind holding Ac 3h. Not a bad play at all but fatscotsman was the limper and he called the push holding Ad 9s. The board missed the dominated Tiburon and he left us in tenth place.
Just about ten minutes into the final table and we took our second hour break. I note this because the positions are significant. Glenso had climbed into first place with 11255 and RipleyBP was in 9th place with 1660. Watch these two it is getting interesting.
It was hand 30. I was back in the chip lead, Glenso had fallen back to second place and slotcrazy was the short stack. Four folds to Doorie and she raised to 1850 with her pocket sevens. Two more folds to slotcrazy holding As Qc so she made her play and pushed her last 1345 into the middle. Doorie made the call. The board fell low, nothing higher than an eight, and Slotcrazy45 was our ninth place finisher.
By hand 52 the antes were 100 and the blinds 400/800. Annieboom was now in the lead with Doorie close on her heels. Glenso and I were sliding. Two folds and AAs up limped to fatscotsman who was short with only 820 to push into the pot. Doorie, annieboom and AAs up made the call. They checked it down to see a final board show 9s 6h 9h Js Th. Doorie bet 800 and annieboom called. Annieboom showed 7d 8c for the low straight and Doorie held Kd Qh for the high straight. Fatscotsman held big slick and was gone in 8th place.
Just a couple of hands later Glenso took a big hit and found himself UTG with just 1750 left in his barrel. He pushed and said goodbye to everyone. It was folded around to me in the big blind and I looked down to see 52 off suit. The absolute worst hand possible heads up. I only needed to call 750 after posting the blind and I thought about it until my time was almost up. But I laid it down and gave Glenso the free ride. That may have been a mistake because this proved to be a significant hand for Glenso. He told me later he had pushed with 43 suited. If that is accurate then I was a 46:34 dog with a 20% chance of a split. I still don’t know if that was a good decision or not but it ended up being fatal for the whole table.
Hand 61 and now Doorie was the chip leader and Glenso had climbed back into 6th place. Jewelcard was tailing the pack with only 3470. I was in fifth place with 7000 chips posting the small blind. Told you I was sliding. Three folds to Doorie who raised to 2300. I was staring at pocket threes and decided to make my stand. I pushed my remaining 6900 hoping that Doorie would go away. She didn’t and made the call with her pocket jacks. I had gone into the final table on a roll and had managed to blow it with a seventh place finish. Yech.
Hand 73 and Doorie has a dominant chips stack of 23965. Glenso had climbed back into second with 13230. RipleyBP had 7770, AAs up 6975, Jewelcard 6740 and annieboom was down to 4320. Those are all short stacks folks and this is bubble time. We were paying five tonight. AAs up was UTG and pushed 6875 into the middle. Jewelcard had 6640 left and made the call. AAs up turned over Kc Jc and Jewelcard pocket tens. The race was on. The board fell low, 7d 5d 4c 2s 6h and the tens held up. Jewelcard had survived again. That left AAs up on life support and annieboom put him out of his misery on the next hand. Just out of the money but a very good showing for this newcomer.
Well, Jewelcard had managed to make the money. He had gone into the final table in a short position but this guy plays the short stack as well as anyone in the field and he showed it this night. He had actually climbed into second place by hand 85. In fact, lets set the scene because it is telling. Doorie held the lead with 23765. Jewelcard was second as I said. Glenso was third with 12030. RipleyBP was short with 9395 and annieboom was trailing with 5255. The antes were now 125 and the blinds 600/1200. Jewelcard raised UTG to 4000, and annieboom pushed her last 5130 into the middle. An easy call for Jewelcard, especially since he was holding As Kh. Annie turned over Ad 9h and knew she was in trouble. Two jacks on the flop and a second six on the turn gave Annie some hope for the split. But the Ks on the river sent her packing. What a tough way to go. This was the cruel hand of the night.
Those four battled for the next 30 hands. By hand 115 the blinds had increased to 800/1600 and RipleyBP had swapped places with Jewelcard. Two folds to Jewelcard in the small blind and he raised to 4100. Doorie re-raised to 12900. Hey, a battle of the blinds had broken out. Jewelcard held pocket sixes and decided that he needed to push back for all of his chips. Doorie made the call holding Kd Jc. Another classic race, two overs versus a mid-level pair. But it was over quickly when the flop brought the Ks. Jewelcard had to settle for fourth place and Doorie was increasing her chip lead.
Over the next 25 hands, Glenso kicked it into gear. By hand 137, Doorie was still in the chip lead with 27975 but Glenso had built his stack to 21810. RipleyBP was trailing with only 13215. On this hand Doorie called from the small blind and Glenso saw the flop with her. That flop came 4h 4s Td. Doorie bet 1600 and Glenso called. The turn added the Ad, Doorie bet another 1600 and Glenso pushed back for 7000. The river was the 6d. Doorie checked and Glenso bet 6000. Doorie called but mucked when Glenso turned over Jc 4d – he had flopped trip fours and had value bet himself into the chip lead.
Hand 145 and Glenso is on top with Doorie barely covering RipleyBP. Glenso folded and Ripley raised to 3200. Doorie held pocket tens and pushed for 13875. Remember now, Doorie has him covered. Do you make the call holding just Kc 8c? Well, RipleyBP made the call and he was paid off big when the Kh fell on the flop. RipleyBP doubled up and Doorie was in big trouble.
With only 510 chips left Doorie was all-in posting the small blind. Both called and checked down the board to reveal 7s 6c 9c 9h 4h. Doorie showed Jc 9d and doubled up. She wasn’t dead yet but she was not healthy either. All-in again on the next hand but this time Doorie held only 7c 3c. Both called and Glenso took the hand when his jack paired. Doorie was done in 3rd place.
Heads up and Glenso is dominant with 37140 against 25860 for RipleyBP. By hand 169, Glenso had a 51500 to 11400 lead and he looked like he was going to end this night on a quick note. But someone forgot to tell RipleyBP that he was done. A blind steal on 169 led into a big hand on 170. Ripley was all-in with Qd 8c and Glenso was happy to call with pocket kings. But the flop came 8d 4h 8s and RipleyBP doubled up.
Hand 170, and we are at it again. They saw the cheap flop come 6s 4d Td and Glenso called Ripley’s minimum 2000 bet. This was repeated on the turn when another ten fell and then the river brought another 6. Ripley slowed down and checked to Glenso who bet 8500. 17000 was the response from Ripley and Glenso laid it down. Ripley was now in the chip lead.
They battled to hand 176 when Glenso regained the chip lead. But two hands later Ripley took it back. They continued the battle but Ripley had the momentum now and gradually put some distance between them. Hand 191 of the final table and Ripley had 50140 chips to Glenso with 12860. The cheap flop fell all spades Js 9s 8s. Ripley fired 2400 and Glenso pushed all 10260 into the middle with Qs 2d. A flush draw and a gut-shot straight draw. Not a bad play heads up. But RipleyBP held 9c 7s. He had a made top pair with two shots at the straight. The pair of nines was enough and we had our winner.
RipleyBP had languished in the cellar for much of the final table and Glenso had been all over the board. I still have to wonder if I should have made the call back there when Glenso was down to his final bet but we will never know. What a wild final table. This was one for the archives.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Sunbob Makes It Five

It was a small group tonight. Only 24 players sat down to do battle. And guess who came out on top? Yes, kind readers, it was me. The old Sunbob had some pocket pairs hold up at just the right times and I took down my fifth Holdem Affair title. Papoorboy was my victim in the heads up match. Mellow Yellow was the third place finisher to complete the money table tonight.
We were down to 18 by the first hour break. Our hostess, Marti, was leading the pack. I was languishing in card dead purgatory and was mired in 14th place. Here are your first hour leaders.
Marti = 3550
MeAnisa = 2875
johnfitz52 = 2740
Houn = 2695
Papoorboy = 2450
VegasSno = 2300
rshocker = 3190
Agro = 2170
Mellow Yellow = 2160
Lil Mem = 2120
Over the next half hour my fortunes changed. My cards started to change and I won a couple of races. Three times my pocket pairs held up to challenges from over cards. That will go a long way in building your chip stack. Here was our final table.
Sunbob = 9990
Marti = 4635
ThreesRWild = 4430
slotcrazy45 = 4310
johnfitz52 = 3605
MeAnisa = 2865
Mellow Yellow = 2835
Papoorboy = 1595
rshocker = 1440
Agro = 295
Agro was the first to fall. I’m sorry Agro, I didn’t get the hand history saved. UB has blocked hand grabber programs now and I was still figuring out how to take my notes.
Marti got hit hard on just the tenth hand. All-in pre-flop with Ad Qc against rshocker holding Ac Jd. But the flop brought three clubs for rshocker and matched his Jack as well. The river 3c only sealed the deal giving rshocker the ace high flush and the huge pot. Marti was now down to just 1300 chips. But then she doubled up off me twice in a row on hands 21 and 22. She was getting back into the match.
Hand 23 saw johnfitz52 min-raise to 600 only to have ThreesRWild come over the top for all 2100. This took johnfitz all-in with his call. John turned over Kd Js and TRW was glad to reveal his pocket aces. But poker can be very cruel and this was our first example tonight as the flop came Kc Jd 4h, totally clobbering johnfitz with two pair. No miracle ace on the turn or the river and poor ThreesRWild was in trouble. Hand 34 and ThreesRWild is back again. This time he pushed from late position with Kc Ks and was called by Papoorboy in the big blind. Pa held Ad Td. The flop was death for TRW - Ah Qh As. A king would have been good for TRW but it didn’t come. ThreesRWild was gone in 9th place.
This led us into the second hour break. Papoorboy now had the chip lead with 11215 and I was in second with 8735. Our lovely hostess, Marti, took the break nursing just 450 chips.
After we came back from the break Marti survived until hand 45. With the blinds 200/400 Marti was down to her last bet when she pushed her Kd 4h. Johnfitz was the only caller from the big blind but he held Ad 5d. The board totally missed them both and the ace for johnfitz was good. Marti was out in 8th place.
Hand 58 and johnfitz52 raised UTG to 800. Two folds and rshocker pushed back for all 1880 holding Ah Ks. Johnfitz52 made the call holding Kh Qh. The Qc on the flop was the deciding card. John went into the hand dominated but the Qc on the flop was the exact card he needed to send rshocker to the rail in 7th place.
We battled with 6 for the next ten hands. Then, on hand 69, johnfitz opened for 1200 and MeAnisa called from the big blind. The flop came 7c 8s 2d, MeAnisa bet 3150. johnfitz made the fatal push holding Ks Qh - two over cards. MeAnisa turned over 8h 9c for top pair. The eight held up and johnfitz was done for the night. Sixth place was his reward.
The action was coming fast now. Hand 75, with the antes 75 and the blinds 300/600, I was UTG holding big slick – Ah Kh. I opened for 2000 and MeAnisa had me covered when she pushed 9285 holding pocket eights. I had to call and I was glad I did when the flop came Ac As 5s. MeAnisa was now down to her last 805 chips and now I was back in the chip lead. Hand 81 and Papoorboy raised to 1800 taking MeAnisa all-in with her call. MeAnisa held Ks Td but Papoorboy had her dominated with Kd Qd. The Qd was the deciding card as the board missed them both. MeAnisa was off to the lounge in 5th place. No money table yet as we were only paying three tonight with the small field.
The very next hand found slotcrazy down to her last 160 after she posted the 75 ante. All-in from the button for slotcrazy, I called from the small blind and Mellow Yellow checked his option from the big blind. The flop came 4d 5h 6d and I checked along with Mellow Yellow. I held 4h Td and when the turn brought the Ts, I minimum bet 600 to tell Mellow Yellow that I thought I had this one covered. He got out of the way to see the river Qc hit slotcrazy45 with the Qs Jd but top pair wasn’t enough. Slotcrazy was gone in 4th place. Now we were down to the money table. Papoorboy was in the chip lead with 17215, I was second with 16970 and Mellow Yellow was a distant third with 1815.
The very next hand Mellow Yellow chose to make his stand. With only 3 BB left and he knew he was getting paid, he pushed with Kh 4s. Unfortunately Papoorboy held a big hand – big slick in fact. That was all it took to send us to the heads up match and Mellow Yellow collected the third place money.
We went into the heads up match with Papoorboy packing 19105 in chips and I had 16895. Pa and I battled for 22 hands. It was a good match but the momentum was mine. I eventually caught Papoorboy and took the lead from him. Finally on hand 105, I was dealt pocket fives and min-raised to 1600. paperboy came back for 5000 and I pushed those fives to the max. Papoorboy held Ah Ks and was happy to put his tournament life on the line with big slick. But tonight was my night for the mid pairs to hold up and this hand followed the trend. The flop came low and missed us both. The turn Jc showed some paint but not the right design for pa. The 9h on the river was no help and my fives held up. I was amazed but I had taken on Papoorboy heads up and had won the tournament. We all know how good Pa is so I felt especially blessed.
Thank you all for a great night. See you all soon.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Birthday Bash Prizes
From Marti:
Here is a complete list of who won prizes and what everyone won. If you are one of the people whose name is underlined, please let me know your mailing address, your jacket size if you won a jacket, and the name (or names) you would like on the back of your bracelets. I was going to put your User name, but if you would prefer your real name, I guess that's OK.
Brewton - the first out prize of a bottle of wine ( I need to know which kind you prefer.
Thunder3 - 3rd out prize of $5.00
LaeshaLady - Guar64 birthday prize
Maronie47 - the 13th out prize of $20.00
DaleT - 19th out prize of $5.00
Airmj91 - 23rd out prize of $5.00
SusieQue - 38th out prize of $5.00
goodtime chas - 42nd out prize of $5.00
marti - 45th out prize of $5.00
Holland13 - 47th out prize of $5.00 AND a jacket
sissy123 - 64th out prize of $5.00
coachstove - 69th out prize of $5.00
Bunaboy_1 - 71st out prize of $5.00 (I need your 1st name)
DebiMac - bubble prize of $10.00
Uncle Milty - a UB jacket (for putting up with me)
The final table winners were as follows:
slotcrazy45 - $36.63 plus $20 TD's
Jennifear - $51.28 plus $20 TD's
houn - $65.93 plus $20 TD's
papoorboy - $80.58 plus $20 TD's
Birdsindirt - $95.23 plus $20 TD's
SuperrSam - $117.20, $20 TD's, and a bracelet
sorry4urloss - $146.50, $20 TD's, and a bracelet
jillymae - $197.78, $20 TD's, and a bracelet
Angel_1221 - $256.38, $20 TD's, and a bracelet
the tiburon - $417.53, $20 TD's, a jacket, and a bracelet
Congratulations to everyone.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Tiburon Wins the Bash
Yes, folks, these tables were full of sharks. How fitting then, that the top shark himself went home with the honors this week.. The Tiburon, our favorite Spanish shark, swam through these waters and gorged himself on the final table. Angel 1221 was the heads up victim. Jillymae, Sorry4urloos and SuperrSam rounded out the top five. The rest of your final table consisted of BirdsinDirt, Papoorboy, Houn, Jennifear and Slotcrazy45.
It was a rebuy tournament this week. The first time we have used this format in the Holdem Affair. As a result we still had 83 of our 86 starters still in action at the first hour break. Here are your early leaders.
Stevob19 = 13430
Papoorboy = 13315
Guar64 = 11955
coachstove = 10430
ThePokerWolf = 10330
VictorDave = 9610
Red Hot Poker = 9240
SuperrSam = 9105
KOR = 8940
Dissident11 = 8915
The real knock out action started in the second hour. The stacks were large for the leaders and the action was fierce. We were down to 49 now. Here are your survivors as we went to the second hour break.
Slotcrazy45 = 27365
xgames4me = 24235
SdBe = 23085
KennyJ37 = 21275
coachstove = 20295
the Tiburon = 19440
Uncle Milty = 18980
BunaBoy1 = 18945
Jillymae = 18570
sorry4urloss = 17440
The blinds are catching up now in the third hour and the field is getting smaller. This is where the solid play started to pay off. We were down to just 15 by the third hour break. Jennifear had come out of the middle of the pack to take the lead. Sorry4urloss had climbed from 10th place to 2nd. The Tiburon was sitting comfortably in 6th place. By the time we eliminated the final 5, the Tiburon was in control. Here is your final table.
the Tiburon = 138915
Papoorboy = 119080
Jennifear = 75510
Jillymae = 56070
sorry4urloss = 44910
slotcrazy45 = 42790
Houn = 22190
Angel 1221 = 19130
SuperrSam = 16450
BirdsinDirt = 13955
From the very first hand of the final table the antes were 300 and the blinds 1500/3000. That meant that the blinds had caught up with our bottom three or four players. But it was Slotcrazy45 that made a play the very first hand. Pocket tens look very good in this situation and when all four fold ahead of you, a push is the play that comes to mind. It folded to Tiburon in the small blind who looked her up with As Jc. The board to the turn was low - 7h 3d 8c 3c – and it was looking good for slotcrazy. But Tiburon spiked the Ah on the river and our first casualty headed for the lounge. Slotcrazy45 finished in tenth place.
On hand 3, SuperrSam doubled up off Papoorboy and on hand 5 Angel 1221 doubled up off Jennifear. That was the beginning of the end for Jennifear. Just two hands later Papoorboy pushed from the small blind and Jennifear defended the big blind holding Ac Jd. Papoorboy turned over 8s 9d and Jennifear had made the right call. The flop came Qc 3h Td and the turn the 3d. Jennifear was looking good. Then the hammer fell on the river in the 8h. Papoorboy had knocked out Jennifear and was now threatening Tiburon for the chip lead.
It was hand 15 when SuperrSam raised and Houn pushed holding Ac Td. SuperrSam made the call, though, and turned over Ah Qh. No miracle ten for Houn and he had to settle for 8th place.
The very next hand we saw BirdsinDirt double up off Papoorboy when she trapped him with pocket aces. Then on hand 19, Papoorboy came over the top of a Jillymae raise holding pocket fives only to have her show pocket sevens. An unsuccessful steal from the cut-off on hand 26 and now Papoorboy was short stacked with only 36615 and the antes 400 and blinds 2000/4000. That set up hand 27. Papoorboy pushed his short stack holding pocket fours. The Tiburon called with pocket fives. That was the end for one of the most feared players at the table. Papoorboy had to settle for 7th place.
Hand 30 saw sorry4urloss double up off the Tiburon and then he turned around and did it again the very next hand. Those two hands put sorry4urloss in first place but amazingly only dropped the Tiburon into second place. Jillymae was in a solid third place and the three were pulling away from the pack.
Hand 34 saw two of the shorter stacks go to war when BirdsinDirt pushed UTG and was called by Angel 1221 in the big blind. BirdsinDirt held As 5s and Angel Ah Th. The board filled Angel’s flush and BirdsinDirt was our 6th place finisher.
Hand 40 and SuperrSam was our short stack. He pushed his 15090 into the middle holding As 2c. Jillymae reraised to isolate and went to the flop holding pocket sixes. The board ended up Jc 8h Kd 8s 5s and the sixes held up. SuperrSam was gone in fifth place.
No short stacks now, at least not until the next blind escalation. The Tiburon had regained the lead with Jillymae right behind. But the sparing would only last for 5 hands. Hand 46 and we have the Tiburon pushing from MP on a blind steal holding Kh 6c. Sorry4urloss made the call from the small blind, even though he was covered, showing his Ac 5h. The flop came 4c 7d 6d. The Tiburon had caught a pair but sorry had a very promising straight draw. The Tc on the turn didn’t help and the river Kc was even worse for sorry4urloss. Sorry was gone in 4th place. The Tiburon now had doubled the other two chip stacks.
Hand 50 and the Tiburon was pushing again. This time with Ah 5c. But Jillymae was happy to call when she looked down to see pocket kings. But the flop was decisive - Qh As 4s. Jillymae was gone in 3rd place.
Heads up and Angel 1221 had her work cut out for her. Only 65930 to go up against a mountain of chips (483070) in front of the Tiburon. Angel doubled up on hand 54 when her 4c 2s caught the wheel straight. They swapped blind to hand 61 when Angel doubled up again. This hand evened up the stacks. The Tiburon was still in the lead but only by about 46000 chips.
Sixty-five hands into the final table we had our decision. Angel raised to 16000 and the Tiburon pushed. Angel made the call holding Ac Tc. She had tried to warn that shark but he didn’t listen. The Tiburon turned over Kc Jh. The flop came Ts Qh 9s. At first glance this sleepy brain of mine only saw the pair of tens for Angel but then it registered that the Tiburon had flopped a straight. We had out winner. The Tiburon had won the Second Annual Birthday Bash. Congratulations Tiburon.
And to all of the final table – way to go. You all played excellently. It was a great night. Let’s hope we are all around to see the third year anniversary.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Shootist to Defend His Birthday Bash Title
Sunday, October 29, 2006
VegasSno Strikes Again
The mongoose and the cobra squared off in the heads up match this evening. It was a match up that is destined to become an instant classic. VegasSno and Rankdizzle put on quite a show for those of us on the rail when they went head-to-head for 46 hands. VegasSno had been holding a comfortable lead when the table was down to three, but when Rankdizzle knocked out Glenso the chip stacks were nearly even – VegasSno with 41450 and Rankdizzle with 39550. The cobra won this time striking a venomous blow on the final hand. VegasSno was our winner. With a field of 54 we paid eight this week with VegasSno taking the honors, followed by Rankdizzle, Glenso, Evil Crusher, Smurfette, KOR, DebiMac, and NikDomi.
Yes, we had 54 playing tonight and I made an early exit going out in 49th place. Oh well, I’m just giving all of you a false sense of hope going into the Birthday Bash. We were down to 37 at the first hour break and here are your leaders.
DebiMac = 5445
KennyJ37 = 5175
Maronie47 = 5075
Glenso = 4570
Hazy Cat = 4155
Rankdizzle = 4090
Nik Domi = 3500
rshocker = 3160
Lil Mem = 3055
MagikCowboy = 3000
It took the whole next hour to cut this group down to 15 players. This large field makes for a lot of action. At the second hour break your leader board looked like this.
Rankdizzle = 11560
Mellow Yellow = 10425
KOR = 9690
DebiMac = 8685
Avata = 6670
Glenso = 6150
VegasSno = 5610
MagikCowboy = 5480
Smurfette = 4605
evilCrusher = 2985
Finally, after nearly 2 and a half hours your final table was set. Mellow Yellow had taken a big hit and actually busted out in 11th place during this time. One of the most notable hands occurred when we were down to 13 players left in the Holdem Affair. Glenso was our chip leader and was cruising along in control when he found himself taking KOR all-in. Glenso had big slick and KOR had pocket jacks. The flop came 4JT giving KOR his set. The turn twisted that around with the queen that gave Glenso his straight. KOR was ready to call it a night when the river produced the case Jack giving KOR quads and the pot. With the turn of one card, KOR had gone from the rail to the chip leader. KOR kept that lead going into the final table and for quite awhile it looked like that was going to be the decisive hand in the event.
Your final table looked like this.
KOR = 14805
VegasSno = 14320
Rankdizzle = 11270
DebiMac = 10160
Smurfette = 8260
Glenso = 7410
evilCrusher = 4870
Nik Domi = 4760
Avata = 3845
Tai Pan = 1300
With the antes 75 and the blinds 300/600, Tai Pan knew he had to come out firing. He was all-in on the very first hand and split the pot with DebiMac. Then on the third hand he pushed his Ac Qs and was called by KOR holding Ad 5s. It looked good for Tai but the board ended up 3h 3d Th 9h 5h. Tai got rivered and sent off in 10th place.
Avata was in the same position and actually won the next two hands doubling up once off KOR. Then on hand 7, Avata pushed big slick only to be called by DebiMac holding pocket jacks. The turn brought the jack of diamonds and Avata was gone in 9th place. We usually pay five in this event so I don’t know if many of the players realized that we now had our money table. That was a very quick bubble.
We don’t know what happened to Nik Domi but he had been disconnected when we went to the final table and blinded out in 8th place on hand 22.
The battle was on for the next 25 hands. VegasSno and Rankdizzle seemed to get the best of this run of hands. DebiMac appeared to have gone stone cold with her cards. KOR was active but hit a series of second best hands that hit his stack pretty hard. Then, on hand 47, DebiMac posted the 1200 big blind with only 9050 chips left in her armament. VegasSno was the only challenger and they saw the cheap flop fall 8d Kc Td. DebiMac held 8c 2c and bet out 3875. VegasSno raised to 15500 taking Deb all-in with her call. VegasSno turned over Kh Jd for top pair. The kings held up and DebiMac was done for the night in 7th place.
Just two hands later, KOR was in the small blind with 6800 and posting a 600 blind. He looked down and saw Ac Kc staring back at him and, joy of joy, Glenso pushed all of his 7995 into the middle ahead of him. Not a problem for KOR, he will gladly push his 6675 into the middle with slick. The flop was brutal showing 8s Tc Ah. KOR had hit his ace but Glenso had his set. The turn Kd only added to the suspense. Now KOR could boat up and win this hand. But the river 9c wasn’t what KOR was looking for. Sixth place was the honors. Very well done.
Five players with healthy chip stacks make for a lively table for the next two orbits. VegasSno was the chip leader but it was Rankdizzle in second place that was pushing the action. That is the Dizzle game. He will push every edge he sees. Hand 61 was no exception. All fold to Rankdizzle in the small blind and he holds 5h 5c. He raised to 4225. But Smurfette was in the big blind with a hand of her own – Ah Jc. She responded by pushing all of the 6685 left in her stack into the middle. Rankdizzle made the call. The flop hit Smurfette hard with Jd Js 2d – she flopped trips. It was not looking good for Rankdizzle but the pain was short lived because the turn brought the 5d and Rank had a full house. Smurfette had fought hard but had to settle for 5th place.
We were down to four with VegasSno in the lead and Rankdizzle right behind him. EvilCrusher was third and Glenso was the short stack with just 10BB in his stack. With the antes now 125 and the blinds 600/1200, just stealing the blinds meant a chip infusion for the short stacks. But Vegas and Rank were playing power poker pushing when they entered the pot. There wasn’t much room for Glenso and evilCrusher to move. Then on hand 72 Rankdizzle pushed all 28230 into the middle UTG. This play had been successfully stealing the blinds for Rank but this time Glenso rose to the challenge with his 7520 and made the call holding pocket tens. Time to make my stand he seemed to be saying. But that was okay with Rank because this time he wasn’t raising with smoke – he held Ad Kd, big slick and suited. The flop was low but with two of Rank’s diamonds - 9d 2d 2s. The turn was the 8c and Rankdizzle still had plenty of outs. But the 6h was no help. Glenso doubled up and was back in the game. Hand 78 and evilCrusher won a nice pot off VegasSno to get healthy. This game was getting very interesting. Hand 82 and VegasSno took most of those chips back from evilCrusher.
Hand 87 – VegasSno said “good luck to anyone who calls this” and pushed from UTG. EvilCrusher said he would accept that challenge and pushed in his 10180. Crusher had Ah Tc but VegasSno had As Qs. The Qc on the flop was all Vegas needed to send evilCrusher off to the lounge to collect his fourth place money. Great game evilCrusher.
Down to three handed and VegasSno had more than half the chips in play. Hand 93 and Glenso was down to 8090 posting the 1600 big blind. Rankdizzle pushed to open and Glenso called with Qh 7c. Rankdizzle turned over Tc Jd. Looking good for Glenso, but the flop was Ts 6c Kd hitting Rankdizzle for second pair. Glenso had plenty of outs but none of then materialized and we were going into the heads up match.
When Rank knocked out Glenso that consolidated the two smaller stacks and we were actually almost even going into heads up. The heads up match lasted 46 hands. Early on VegasSno was inching ahead and then Rankdizzle pulled him back. Hand 108 VegasSno won a large pot and gained a little ground. They battled for another 20 hands or so essentially staying even. VegasSno was pulling away but it was very gradual. Finally on hand 139 we had a winner. And it was a fitting hand to end the match. A classic example of the type of hands that we were seeing this evening. All the money was in before the flop. VegasSno held 8s 8h and Rankdizzle Ac Th. The race was on. The flop hit Rankdizzle with Ts 6c Kd. Those tens were looking good when the turn showed the 3s. But that pesky river card is such a heart breaker. The 8d gave VegasSno the set and the win.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Glenso Gets #4

Glenso showed us again why he is such a respected opponent in tournament play, posting his fourth Holdem Affair victory. He wasn’t the chip leader when we sat down to the final table, that was rshocker He wasn’t even the chip leader when we got down to the money table, that was Takechances. But when the final hand was finished, Glenso was the only one left. Takechances was the heads up foil this week. Gjones was third, rshocker had to settle for fourth. And a new name appeared at the final table this week when coop1 finished out the money table.
There were 37 players this week. A good size for the regular Holdem Affair. Let’s shoot to get everyone back for the birthday bash November 4. We had 100 last year, let’s beat that this year.
I’m afraid I missed the early part of this week’s event. I was playing in a home game and didn’t get back until the final table had been seated. Oh, just for you who might wonder, I took second in our little home game. Jewelcard took me in the heads up match when he spiked a queen to take down my pocket jacks. At least we kept it in the Holdem Affair family.
It must have been quite a match – the final table wasn’t seated until 3 hours into the match. Your final table looked like this.
rshocker = 8580
Takechances = 6990
xgames4me = 6795
gjones = 6025
Coop1 = 5730
Dissident11 = 5590
Mellow Yellow = 4910
Glenso = 4895
Divinetiger = 3865
VegasSno = 2120
Look at that. All of them had workable stacks. With the blinds 150/300, only VegasSno went into the final table remotely short stacked and even he had enough to play with. This was shaping up to be a good final table and it didn’t disappoint those of us on the rail.
They danced for the first four hands, feeling each other out. Then on hand 5, VegasSno in the big blind, called the min-raise from rshocker. When the flop came 2d 9h 8h, VegasSno immediately pushed. Rshocker made the gutsy call holding just Ac Qc, two over cards. He made the right play, VegasSno turned over Qh Js. With only the gut-shot straight draw, I guess you could say Vegas had made a semi-bluff. It cost him this time when the board finished up 8h, 2s and the ace from rshocker held up.
Hand 14 and we are at it again. This time Dissident11 opened for 900 and it was xgames4me that looked him up. The flop was 7s 2c 8h, xgames bet 1950 and Dissident pushed the rest of his 4090 stack into the middle. Dissident11 showed Jd Qd and xgames4me showed Kd 5d. That’s a lot of chips on total bluffs, guys. The turn hit Dissident11 with the Jh and the river clobbered xgames4me with the Kc. Dissident was gone in 9th place. That one haunted Dissident for the rest of the night and boosted xgames into the chip lead.
That lead didn’t last long, just seven hands later Takechances doubled up off xgames4me when his pocket tens bested the pocket sixes. That hand put Takechances in the chip lead but also was the beginning of the melt down for xgames. Hand 29 five people see the cheap flop fall 5h 5c 2s. xgames4me bet 700 and Takechances was the only caller. The turn brought the 3h, xgames bet 1400 and Takechances made the simple call. When the river brought the Ac, xgames pushed for 3695. You can’t fault xgames for the play. The ace is definitely a scare card the way the hand played out and a steal at that point should work against anything but a made hand. Unfortunately for xgames, Takechances held pocket fours and the ace had filled his wheel straight. Xgames4me had gone from chip leader to out in 8th place in just eight hands.
We cruised to hand 42 and now we had antes of 50 and blinds of 200/400. Mellow Yellow was desperate but the others had solid stacks. All folded to Glenso in the small blind who raised to 1550. Divinetiger pushed in his 5340 on the re-steal. Glenso isn’t above stealing with any two cards in that spot so pushing with king deuce suited isn’t a bad play. But one of the reasons that you try the steals with smoke even though you will have to lay it down if you have any resistance is to set up the times when you do have a hand. This was one of those times. Glenso happily made the call and turned over Ad Qh. That, alone would have been enough but the flop brought the Ac just to seal the deal. Divinetiger was gone in seventh place.
Hand 44 and Mellow Yellow just couldn’t wait it out any longer. With only 835 before he anted 50 and posted the 400 big blind, he was forced to push it all to see the flop along with gjones and Glenso. They checked it down to see the board fall 3s 5d 4s 4c 9s. All three held an ace but gjones held the king for top kicker. Mellow Yellow was out on the bubble this week.
Our money table was set, with Takechances in the lead with 18125 followed by Glenso, rshocker, gjones and Coop1. Coop1 was feeling short by hand 51 when he posted the big blind and saw the cheap flop pair his ten. His kicker was just the 2c but he pushed the Js 9h Th. Rshocker made the call holding Qh 9c. Oops, second pair versus third pair. Looking good for Coop. But, as happens so often in these races, the river card was the decider and it was the Qd this time that sent Coop1 to the rail.
They battled for the next fifty hands. I didn’t see any wild or big hands, just the steady bump and grind of good solid tournament poker. This is really where Glenso won the tournament, in my opinion. He won more of the small pots and was successful more often with his steals. By hand 101 he had most of the chips, with 25920. Takechances was running with him at 15250. gjones and rshocker were getting the worst of it dwindling to 7025 and 7305 respectively. The antes were now 100 and the blinds 400/800.
The blinds caught up with rshocker on hand 103. Glenso and Rshocker saw the flop come 8c Jd 4d. Rshocker fired 2400 and Glenso called. The turn was the 7h and that was good enough for Rshocker to fire again for the rest of his stack. Rshocker turned over Kh 4c for bottom pair. That pair was good though. Glenso made the call holding Ad 9d. He had a straight draw and a flush draw but nothing when he called. But he had a lot of outs and one of them showed up on the river in the form of the Th for the gut-shot straight. Rshocker was sent to the lounge in 4th place.
We are down to three and gjones is noted for his short stack play. He didn’t disappoint his fans but just couldn’t make a come back this week. Hand 133 found him posting the 1200 big blind with just 2675 left in his quiver. Takechances opened to take him all-in and he really was forced to call holding a meager Js 7c. TC showed Ad 5d. The board actually flushed Takechances and gjones settled for third place money this week.
Heads up and the stacks are both solid. Glenso with 30300 and Takechances with 25200. Takechances took the first three pots and captured the chip lead by hand 137. Glenso took it back by hand 141 by just 1000 chips. That set up hand 142. TC raised to 5100 and Glenso pushed. Takechances called and turned over Td 6c only to see Glenso was holding Ad Ks. The flop hit TC with 8s Th 3c and he looked like a genius. But the turn Kh was all Glenso needed to put this one in the books. Glenso had entered the final table in eighth place but ended up claiming his fourth Holdem Affair title.
Another great week. I wish I had been able to play.
Don’t forget the BIG BASH – NOVEMBER 4TH.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
A Blizzard Called VegasSno
It was a large field for the Holdem Affair this week.. Forty-eight players sat down to do battle. A wild first hour found only 28 left at the tables. It was two hours into the event when we seated the final table. VegasSno had been working his chilling magic at this table during this time. Our favorite shark, the Tiburon, was feeding well and looking good when we got to this point. I had been down the first hour only to go on a rush that happened to go against Jennifear to knock her out early in the second hour and briefly put me into the chip lead. Then I was moved to a new table and four second best hands in a row put me in the ropes. By the time we got to the final table I was in the middle of the pack. Here is your final table.
VegasSno = 10030
the Tiburon = 9220
Houn = 9050
Unionthug = 9030
Amkaos = 8585
Sunbob = 8570
Hazy Cat = 6910
johnfitz52 = 3440
annieboom = 3170
nutzrus = 995
Watch that short stack. For those of you have haven’t met nutzrus before, she is actually one of the Holdem Affair originals. Welcome back Nutzy, it has been too long. Nutzrus more than doubled up on the second hand of the final table. A 2590 chip pot off Unionthug put her solidly into the action.
Johnfitz52 got hit hard on hand 11 when his AKo ran into Unionthug holding Ad Ac. As a result of that hand johnfitz52 was our first victim on hand 12. Ac Jh ran into the Tiburon with pocket jacks and Johnfitz52 was out the door. Running into back to back dominating pairs will do that to you.
Hand 13 and Houn opened for 1200. I raised to 3400 and Houn pushed the rest of his 6375 into the middle. Houn turned over pocket queens but I was holding kings. A 13000 chip pot vaulted me to the chip lead and Houn to the rail in 9th place.
Hand 18 found annieboom pushing pocket jacks and Hazy Cat looking her up holding Ah Kh. Not a single heart, ace or king for Hazy Cat and he was gone in 8th place.
Hand 19 and we have the Tiburon pushing all-in holding 4s 4c. VegasSno barely had him covered and made the call with Ah Qc. The flop came 5d Jd 3d and Tiburon was looking good. The Ks on the turn and our shark was still swimming strong. But the Tc on the river gave VegasSno the runner/runner straight and the Tiburon was done for the night in 7th place. This game can be so cruel.
Hand 27 and VegasSno had the chip lead with 21530. Unionthug was in second with 19320 and I was third with 16895. Amkaos was in 5th place with a stack of 5235. I looked down at Ac Kh and opened for 2850 in the small blind when everyone folded to me. A simple blind steal was in my mind. But Amkaos held Ks Qh and read me for a steal. He pushed it all to the middle to make the call. No magic queen for Amkaos and a king on the river sealed the hand for me sending Amkaos to the lounge in 6th place. Our money table was set.
Sunbob = 23030
VegasSno = 21455
Unionthug = 19245
annieboom = 4075
nutzrus = 1195
Do you see that name on the bottom of the list? That New Orleans gal had very quietly made her way to the money table. Nothing grand after the second hand. Just a simple steal here and a judicious fold there, and she wound her way through the action to a paycheck. Finally on hand 33 of the final table nutzrus was all-in with the big blind holding a modest 2s 9c. Annieboom made the call with Kd 8h. The flop brought a K and an eight and the river another eight to make it clear that nutzrus was done for the night. Fifth place and a money win was a fitting end for our friend’s return to action.
By hand 39 I had a commanding chip lead with almost half the chips in play. Then, the very next hand, Annieboom picked off my pocket nines with her pocket aces and I was brought down a notch. I took four of the next seven hands, though, and was trying to run away with it.
Then hand 47, the antes 100 and the blinds 400/800. Annieboom pushed her last 3565 into the middle holding pocket sevens. VegasSno made the call from the big blind with Ah Qh. No help for Vegas on the flop and turn. Annie was looking good. Then the river As brought her exit. Fourth place for annieboom this week. Excellent game.
The three of us battled for the next 32 hands. At one point Unionthug rivered a straight and doubled up though me to knock me out of the chip lead and put him back into the action. Finally hand 70. Vegas folded and I raised from the small blind to 1600. Unionthug re-raised to 5100 on what I read as a re-steal. I held Ac Td and moved in on him. Unionthug made the call for his stack holding Qd 9d. The flop missed us both but the turn brought a second diamond for Unionthug. I had visions of being flushed on the river but it was the Jh. Right color but wrong shape. Unionthug was our third place finisher.
Heads up we were pretty equal. I had 36655 and VegasSno 32345. We swapped a few small pots then I took a 10,000 chip pot to take the lead on hand 76. I did the same on hand 77 and it looked like the momentum had shifted. We waltzed to hand 86 and then I fell in love with my AKo and called a push with the table showing 5d 4c Th. Yep, VegasSno turned over Ah 5s for bottom pair. That really was the deciding hand. I battled hard but just couldn’t get it back. Hand 94 I thought I had Vegas when the Qs 7c 4c flop hit my 7d Ac. But VegasSno had Qc 9h for top pair and we were done for the night. VegasSno had his second Holdem Affair trophy and I was done.
It was a great night. The final table of the Holdem Affair is some of the best tournament play I see all week. After two years of regular practice we have developed a pool of players who are in command of their game. Thank you all for the pleasure to play with you.
Remember to get your ideas to Marti for the Anniversary Bash. And don’t miss the action. We want to be over 100 for that night. Let’s make it happen.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Stevob19 in a Cruel Test
KennyJ37 went into the final table with a solid chip lead but by hand 22 we were down to seven and ThePokerWolf had taken the lead. When we hit the money table over 50 hands later Wolf was still sitting comfortably and Stevob19 and VegasSno were the short stacks. But who ended up in the heads up match? Why Stevob19 and VegasSno, of course. Stevob19 claimed the honors and VegasSno earned second place. KennyJ37 took down the third place money. ThePokerWolf had to settle for fourth and newcomer Bella13 proudly claimed her fifth place money.
It seemed like there were several stories of cruel, if not bad, beats tonight. I’ll pass on just one to save my poor readers the anguish but give you an idea of how the tables were falling this evening. This one occurred early in the second hour. Glenso was battling to stay alive when he found himself all-in before the flop against ThePokerWolf. Glenso held QJs and Wolf turned over AK. Oops, Glenso was in big trouble. But the poker gods smiled on him and flopped QJx for two pair. Glenso was alive and looking to double up. The turn was another brick sent only to tease Glenso as the smile on those poker demons faces turned to laughter when the Ts hit the river giving ThePokerWolf the straight and Glenso his walking papers. Yes, I know, that is technically not a bad beat but it was cruelty of the highest order. That is what this night was like.
We had 36 players this week and we were down to 20 by the first hour break. I was still in the action but 20th place was the best I could muster. Here is your leader board.
Agro = 6535
burldog44 = 6175
KennyJ37 = 5665
Big Lar8 = 4280
Bella13 = 4140
Hazy Cat = 3065
VegasSno = 2720
ThePokerWolf = 2610
Stevob19 = 2490
Glenso = 2240
And twentieth place it was for me as I busted out very early in the second hour this week. It was a tough table for several of the regulars as Big Lar8, Agro, even Jennifear failed to survive the next hour to make it to the final table. Here is your final table seated just short of the second hour break.
KennyJ37 = 13785
ThePokerWolf = 7180
VegasSno = 6590
Goodtime Chas = 6550
Johnfitz52 = 6495
Hazy Cat = 4340
Bella13 = 4075
Stevob19 = 2590
burldog44 = 2095
Marti = 300
At first glance it looks like Marti is going to be the first one to fall from the final table but anyone who knows Marti knows that she can play the short stack better than just about anyone else in the Holdem Affair. On the very first hand it was bella13 and burldog44 all-in when the flop came 7c 9d 7s. Burldog44 held 9h 5h and had hit top pair. That was good enough for the push but Bella13 was sleeping in the corner with As Ad and trapped our favorite puppy. Burldog44 was our first victim on this final table.
Stevob19 started out in 8th place with a mediocre stack but wasted no time in making his presence known. He won the next two hands including doubling up off Johnfitz52 to climb back into the action.
Hand 4 and we have Marti making her stand from the big blind holding Ks Jc. Hazy Cat went after our hostess with a miserable 2d 4s from the small blind. When the flop came 9d 2c 4d we knew it was time for Marti to watch from the rail. What a flop.
Hand 21 and Goodtime Chas opened for 1250 only to see ThePokerWolf call. The flop came Ac 4c Jh, Wolf checked raised Chas and they were all-in for the turn. Goodtime Chas turned over As 5s for top pair but ThePokerWolf showed pocket aces for the win. Goodtime Chas was gone in 8th place.
VegasSno pulled down a nice pot and then Bella followed with her own pot. Just four hands later, we saw Hazy Cat open for 1225 and Stevob19 push in response from the big blind. So Hazy, is this a re-steal? You’ve seen Stevob19 make this play before. That just might have occurred to Hazy Cat because he made the call holding Kd Tc. Oops, Stevob19 turned over pocket kings. The mouser was dominated and in big trouble. The board didn’t bring enough help for Hazy Cat and he was gone in 7th place.
Bubble time. Who is going home penniless tonight? As is so often the case at bubble time the play tightened up considerably. Several players attempted to push the action but they just traded blinds for the next 30 hands. The battle was on and Bella doubled up through Stevob19 on hand 53. But it was hand 69, forty-three hands after Hazy Cat but the dust, Johnfitz52 pushed his 2380 chips from the small blind when all folded to him. ThePokerWolf was the big blind, and he made the call holding Kc Qd. Johnfitz turned over Qs 8s. The table matched up the queen but both held that and it was the king in ThePokerWolf hand that sent johnfitz52 off to the lounge without any money.
We now had our money table. ThePokerWolf held the lead with 17335, KennyJ37 was a close second. Stevob19 was a ways back in third with VegasSno close on his heels. Newcomer Bella13 was our short stack with 5435.
Bella made her stand on hand 75. A smooth call gave her a cheap flop heads up with VegasSno. The flop was 9d Qh 5d. Vegas pushed immediately taking Bella all-in with her call. Bella held Kd Qs for top pair, Vegas had pushed the flush draw holding just Jd 4d. It wasn’t looking good for VegasSno until the turn hit him hard with the 2d. Vegas hit his flush and our beautiful lady was gone in 5th place.
By hand 80 the field was very tight with less than 6000 chips separating first from fourth. It truly was anyone’s game to win and with the antes 75 and the blinds 300/600 there was still room to play. This wasn’t shaping up to be an all-in luck fest. VegasSno slipped a bit only to double up through KennyJ37 on hand 84 to get back into the mix. That put Kenny in a short position. Then hand 89 the blinds went up to 400/800. Kenny pushed the small blind steal only to have Stevob19 look him up. Kenny had pushed with “any two”, Js 4d. Stevob19 had him dominated with Ac Jh. But what did I say earlier about poker being a cruel game? The flop missed them both but the turn hit Kenny in the one live card he held. Double up time for Kenny and now Stevob19 was our short stack.
Hand 92 and Stevob19 took a run at the pot only to have VegasSno re-steal with an all-in. Steve was getting even shorter. Hand 98 and his Ad Jc went up against ThePokerWolf with Ah Th. That was good for a double up and he was back ion the game and Wolf was now hurting. Are you getting the idea that any one of these four could win at this stage? I just love these kinds of final tables.
Hand 104 and ThePokerWolf is down to only 7215. Stevob19 opened UTG for 3200 and the Wolf chose this time to make his stand. Ah 2s is good enough he said. Stevob19 called with pocket threes and hoped for the best. No aces showed up this hand and ThePokerWolf was sent to his den in 4th place.
That vaulted Steve into the chip lead. Steveob19 then started to pressure, but VegasSno and KennyJ37 showed they were up to the test. The field tightened over the next 10 hands. But pressure is a key ingredient if you are going to win the Holdem Affair. Hand 114 and Kenny pushed holding just 4s 8s. Stevob19 made the call with Ad 6h. The flop brought the As for Steve but the turn was the 9s to give Kenny the flush draw. It looked for a second that those fickle poker gods were going to laughing at us again. But the Jh came bobbing down the river and KennyJ37 was our third place finisher.
Stevob19 had survived the money table war to get heads up with VegasSno and a 2.5:1 chip lead. That was just too much for VegasSno to overcome and it was just six hands later when Vegas pushed with Ac 6s only to have Stevob19 turn over big slick. The flop was 9h 7s 8d and Vegas had the straight draw. It looked for a moment that he just might double up after all. But those mean poker fates were just messing with his head. No straight for Vegas and Stevob19, a final table regular, had posted his first Holdem Affair victory.
What a great final table. I just wish I could have been sitting closer than the rail to get in on that action. See you all soon.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Papoorboy at the Dance
Winforlife, with some help from a double up off me in the very first orbit, took second place. VegasSno, Maronie47 and Dissident11 rounded out the money table.
Only 28 of the original 39 were still alive when we took the first hour break. Here is your leaderboard:
- winforlife = 6090
- VegasSno = 5225
- Jennifear = 5150
- MdnghtSn49 = 4415
- Takechances = 4335
- Maronie47 = 3230
- Hazy Cat = 2700
- VictorDave = 2280
- Dissident11 = 2270
- Bigmiko = 2000
It only took 40 minutes to pare this group down to the final table. Sounds to me like the action is getting vicious in the Holdem Affair. Takechances rode his aggressive style to the lead when we sat down at the final table.
- Takechances = 9880
- Dissident11 = 9185
- winforlife = 8460
- Maronie47 = 7810
- Jennifear = 5960
- MdnghtSn49 = 5010
- Papoorboy = 4170
- VegasSno = 3645
- CowboyWillie = 2500
- VictorDave = 1880
We broke quickly at this table. Hand 10 saw some wild action when three people found themselves all-in before the flop. MdnghtSn49 shows Kd Qs. winforlife shows Tc Ts. VictorDave shows Js Jd. Wow, what a situation. The flop came As Ks 2c and MdnightSn49 looked to be brilliant. But the turn was the Th giving winforlife the set. That was the deciding card and we were suddenly down to 8. Officially MdnghtSn49 finished in 10th place and VictorDave in 9th.
Hand 18 and we had another wild hand. This time it was Jennifear and Papoorboy providing the action in a battle of the blinds. All folded to Jen in the small blind who just completed to see the cheap flop with Papoorboy. The flop came 4c 5c 7s. Jen bet out 300 a minimum bet and apparently Papoorboy saw that as weakness because he pushed all 6110 into the middle. Jennifear didn’t believe him and made the call holding 3d 7c. They both had virtually equal stacks so this one was going to be fatal to someone. Jen had top pair and the gut shot draw. Pa turned over 2s 3h for the open ended straight draw. The Kc came on the turn and the river decided the hand with the Ad. Papoorboy hit his straight and Jennifear was gone in 8th place.
That hand put Papoorboy into the chip lead but you couldn’t say it decided the match. Winforlife was only 700 chips behind Pa and this was still a race. In fact CowboyWillie doubled up through Papoorboy the very next hand and put winforlife back into the lead.
A couple hands later and Dissident is up there with the leaders. The Papoorboy took a good pot from Dissident and he regained the chip lead. This dance went on for much of the final table. Along the way some casualties occurred. CowboyWillie ran into Papoorboy on hand 30. Willie had Ac Jd but Papoorboy was one better with Ah Qs. A low board missed them both and Willie was sent off in 7th place.
Maronie joined the dance as did VegasSno. By hand 36 the six remaining were making it quite a match. Then Papoorboy opened for 1525 and Takechances woke up with big slick Ac Ks in the big blind. Oh man, what a problem. The chip leader has opened claiming a good hand. But he is noted for his steals. TC was in the big blind with that hand that reminds you of that girl in high school. So much beauty and so little substance. All-in was the play and the race was on. Papoorboy turned over pocket sevens. Te flop came Ts Th Jh and the sevens were holding on. But Takechances still had those over cards. All he needed was an ace or a king to fall. The turn was the 9h. Ok, TC, last card to hit your ace or king. And there it was – the king of hearts on the river. Takechances had hit his top pair. But wait, what is this? That pot is going to Papoorboy. That can’t be right. Oh man, that king of hearts gave Papoorboy the flush. Tough way to go out TC. And on the bubble also. Takechances was gone in 6th place and our money table was set.
Papoorboy was in a commanding chip lead now. 22595 and winforlife was second with 10655. Hand 47 and Dissident11 found himself locked up with VegasSno. Diss had Ac Js and VegasSno held pocket sevens, all-in before the flop. The flop hit Dissident with a jack but the turn brought a seven of hearts for VegasSno. That didn’t put out Dissident but basically mortally wounded him. Down to 1870 with the blinds 300/600, he was all-in the very next hand. Maronie had opened the hand and Papoorboy had called them both to see the flop come three diamonds, jack, three and eight. Maronie pushed the rest of her stack into the middle on the flop and didn’t succeed in running off Papoorboy. We saw the hands now:
Dissident11 shows 8c Kc. – second pair.
Papoorboy shows Js 9s. – top pair
MARONIE47 shows Kh Qd. – flush draw. What will the turn and river bring? The answer was the 5s and the 4c. The top pair held up. Papoorboy had knocked out two more. Maronie finished 4th and Dissident 5th.
Papoorboy now had 31490 chips, VegasSno 18580 and Winforlife 8430. Like the extended dénouement of a B movie, you got the feeling you knew how this one was going to end but it was going to take awhile to get there. But not so quick, oh jaded one. Winforlife doubled up on hand 57 when his pocket kings crushed Papoorboy and it looked like we may have a match after all. On the very next hand VegasSno took a chunk out of Papoorboy and we had a dead heat again.
Then Papoorboy won the next six hands and took back command of the table. They battled to hand 82. Ten long minutes of dancing with Papoorboy slowly pulling away. Then Papoorboy raised to 2735 from the small blind and VegasSno tried to re-steal with a bet of 8505. Papoorboy pushed back taking VegasSno all-in. Vegas 9c 8h and Papoorboy Ac 5d. Vegas had not made that bad of a play. I think he is only about 60/40 there and when the flop came 6d Jc 8d he looked to be a genius. But as poker can be so cruel. The Ad on the turn was the deciding card and VegasSno was done for in 3rd place.
Winforlife last only two hands in the heads up. A quick ending to what had become a brilliantly played final table.
Great game all of you.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Hazy Cat Going Away
Forty-two sat down to play this week. I’m sorry that I was not one of them. It was my birthday and my wife took me out to dinner and the symphony. I had a great evening and got home just in time to catch the final table. Here is the final table leaderboard.
- Hazy Cat = 23680
- slick63 = 8480
- Bigmiko = 8310
- msrinny02 = 5895
- SilentKnight = 4595
- VegasSno = 4130
- Bugman22j = 2580
- Dissident11 = 2410
- johnfitz52 = 1860
- Agro = 1060
Do I see a couple of new names on that list? Welcome to SilentKnight and johnfitz. We are glad to have you with us. Hazy Cat was dominant as you can see. I’m told that chip lead started with the first orbit of the Holdem Affair. Dang Hazy – how can we compete with that?
Agro was our short stack going into the final table but he doubled up on the fifth hand and was now in the game. VegasSno was our first casualty when he was all-in pre-flop with Ah Js only to get melted by Bigmiko with the pocket rockets on hand 11. Bummer Sno.
Newcomer johnfitz52 was making a good effort when he ran into Bigmiko on hand 15. Again all-in pre-flop, this time with Johnfitz holding Kc Qs and Bigmiko with big slick. Word of warning to the newcomers – beware of Mike. These two knock outs put Bigmiko solidly into second place. At this point he and Hazy Cat controlled about 2/3 of the chips between them.
Hand 24 and it is Bugman22j and msrinny02 putting all in the middle when the flop came 3c 9d Jd. What can they find in that flop that appeals to them? Bugman turned over pocket tens but msrinny held Kh Js. Bugman was betting that rinny missed the jack but he guessed wrong this time. That was the fatal error for bugman22j and he was sent to the rail in 8th place.
The very next hand SilentKnight open pushed for 3970 holding pocket queens. Msrinny looked him up and turned over Ah As to back her up. The aces held up and SilentKnight had to settle for 7th lace in his first Holdem Affair. Good job SilentKnight, this event isn’t easy.
Hand 26 and Dissident is all-in when the flop comes 7s 5s Ks. Hazy Cat didn’t believe him and made the call with top pair – Kd 4h. But Dissident wasn’t bluffing this time – he turned over Qs Ts for the flopped flush. That was a huge pot of 11680 that slid over to Dissident and he was now very healthy even if it didn’t knock Hazy Cat out of the chip lead. The race was getting tighter now. Four of these players were now bunched with stacks from 17560 to 11680. We had ourselves a race.
Hand 36 and it is time for Agro to make his stand. He started the hand with only 1345 with the antes 50 and the blinds 200/400. Kd Td – hmmm – looks good enough to make a stand. Three folds and Dissident raised to 3000, two more folds and Agro made the call. Dissident had a hand this time. He doesn’t always when he opens but this time he held the two sentries – Jc Js. The flop brought Agro the Th but Dissident hit his set with the Jh. No miracles for Agro and he was forced to settle for bubble boy honors this week.
We were paying five this week so we now had our money table. Time for the shorties to climb the ladder. Hand 45 and the ladder was there for slick63 to climb out of his short stack. Ad 8s – not the strongest hand around but when you are down to 2590 posting the 400 chips big blind it looks good enough to call a Dissident small blind push. How can you believe Dissident in the small blind when he makes a play like that. And Slick was right as he learned when Dissident showed Ks 9c. But the flop came 9s 3d Qh. That missed Slick but hit Dissident for second pair. The turn and river missed them both and Slick63 was gone in 5th place. I hate that when you make the right call in the big blind only to lose on the flop. That happens to me all too often.
The four danced for the next 12 hands then hand 57 and we have some real action. With the blinds 300/600 – Msrinny opened for 120 UTG. That should have raised an eyebrow – Rinny doesn’t play any trash UTG. But Dissident re-raised to 4200 and Msrinny made it 7200. Dissident pushed the rest of his chips into the middle and rinny came along for the ride. Now they have my interest. What do these two have for cards?
Dissident11 showed Qh Ad.
msrinny02 showed As Jh.
Okay, now I understand. The flop came Qc Td 5c giving Dissident top pair but rinny a gut shot straight draw. The 8s on the turn gave rinny four more outs with the double gut. But the 8h came on the river and Dissident had doubled through rinny.
That was the beginning of the end for msrinny02. Down to the short stack she had to make her stand just five hands later. She made a good play against Hazy Cat when she was all-in pre-flop with Ah Td against Hazy Cat holding Jc 8c. But the flop hit our mouser hard with a jack and two clubs. The Th on the turn wasn’t enough and msrinny was gone in fourth place.
Hazy started to really apply the pressure now. He won eleven of the next twenty hands. Dissident11 finally made his stand on hand 84 when he looked down and saw pocket queens smiling back at him. Hazy Cat chased him into the middle as they were all-in before the flop. It was easy to see why when Hazy Cat turned over pocket kings. The flop came 3h 3s Kc and our contrary one was done for the night in third place.
It was a big task ahead for Bigmiko. Hazy Cat had 52400 chips and Bigmiko only 10600 but with the blinds 300/600 there was some room to play post flop. Mike made a good run at it bringing his stack up to 21000 but the final hand was a heartbreaker. Bigmiko had the better of it when the chips went into the middle before the flop. Ah 4s against Kh Th for Hazy. A classic race and that is what heads up is all about. But the flop hit Hazy Cat with 3d Td 9c. The turn was the Jc and the river Qd gave Hazy Cat the straight and the win.
An excellent final table as is usually the case. Even when you go into the final table of the Holdem Affair with a big chip lead it is never easy. This week was no exception. Great play from everyone. I’m glad I made it home to see it.
See you next week.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Tai Pan Again

Tai pan joined us tonight just to remind us that he can play with the best of us. Our favorite South Pacific Islander took it all with some excellent play at the final table. This was a very competitive final table and no one was giving in easily. Hazy Cat claimed second place. Sunbob (yes, I get lucky once in awhile) took third. Newcomer Donkey Stomper had to settle for fourth and BirdsinDirt rounded out the money table.
Thirty-six combatants sat down this week. We were back to our tight and vicious first hour pay, at least at my table. I got lucky on one hand when I turned the nut straight against two pair, the nut flush draw, and a set to quad up and take the chip lead. That served me well going into the first hour break. We were down to twenty-four and here were your leaders.
Sunbob = 5690
spideytwo = 4740
BirdsinDirt = 3910
Jennifear = 3895
D Style4 = 3485
SdBe = 3430
Agro = 2870
DonkeyStamper = 2840
Hazy Cat = 2695
msrinny02 = 2055
The newcomer DonkeyStamper kicked it into gear that second hour. I would have to go through the hands histories to figure out how many people he knocked out of my table. I was just trying to stay out of his way. Twice in this time I got nailed by a short stack all-in when I called with my pocket pair. Both times the culprit turned over A6. The toughest one to take was when I called with pocket sixes to A 6o and the flop came AA6. I flopped the boat only to see about a third of my stack go to my opponent. At one point Agro and I were really struggling but I’ll give him credit – his response to me was “I’ll see you at the final table”. And he was right. One hour and fifty-five minutes into the Holdem Affair we sat the final table.
DonkeyStamper = 15200
Jennifear = 7345
Sunbob = 7195
BirdsinDirt = 5970
Tai Pan = 5920
Hazy Cat = 3945
msrinny02 = 3120
Agro = 2520
Saffron = 2280
SdBe = 505
Just look at that final table. Somebody really should have given DonkeyStamper a heads up but nobody warned him. There were at least 5 former Holdem Affair champions with a good 20 trophies between them. Who knows how many final tables were represented by all of his opponents. The only other newcomer was SdBe. Welcome to both of you. It is an honor just to make the final table in the Holdem Affair.
Tai Pan got a fast start to the final table when he blasted msrinny02 out of her seat on the very first hand.
Poor SdBe was woefully short going in and the blinds ate him up by hand nine. But then the war was on. And it truly was a battle.
Hand 10 and Tai Pan took a 5000 chip pot off of me that vaulted him into second place and now I was getting pretty thin. Hand 16 and Agro is all-in with pocket kings against Jennifear with As 9s. The kings hold up and Agro is now a force to be considered.
Hand 20 and Hazy Cat is all-in against the chip leader Tai Pan. Hazy had Ks Td and Tai Pan showed As Qc. The Th on the flop was the deciding card and Hazy Cat rakes a 9500 chip pot. This leader board was bouncing around like a super ball. At this point DonkeyStamper was still the dominant chip stack with 1475 and Hazy Cat was second with 9490.
Hand 22 and the antes are 50 with the blinds 200/400. I opened for 1200 in middle position holding pocket sevens and all folded to Jennifear in the big blind. Jennifear pushed all of her 4720 into the middle putting me to the test. I had her covered but I started the hand with 5665 so not by much. What do I do? Jennifear is noted for her aggressive play and I know that the big blind resteal is definitely one of her weapons but I haven’t been having much luck with the middle pocket pairs. I finally grew some stones and made the call. And , of course, what do you think she turned over? Anyone? Have you been paying attention? Of course – she turned over Ace Six, my nemesis this evening. The 6h flopped and I figured I was done, again. But no more help arrived for Jennifear and she was gone in 8th place. Now I was in second place.
That didn’t last long as Tai Pan took two very nice pots in the next two hands and told me to move over.
Hand 28 earned me the gratitude of BirdsinDirt. Two folds and Agro opened for 800, I smooth called holding pocket sevens again, BirdsinDirt called and Saffron called all-in for her last 710. The flop came Th 7h 8c – I had my set. Birdie checked and Agro bet 400, I raised it to 1000 taking Agro al-in and sending BirdsinDirt diving for cover. As I feared, Agro had Ah 4h and the flush draw. Saffron showed 6s 3c and a gut-shot straight draw. But I dodged them both and Saffron busted out in 7th place and poor Agro was bubbled in 6th. BirdsinDirt had folded and made it into the money. Good play Dirty Bird.
We have hit the money table and DonkeyStamper is still in the chip lead with 1425 but I am right behind with 13545 and Tai Pan has 13245. Hazy Cat at 8490 and BirdsinDirt with 4295 completed the table.
The money is made and Tai Pan shifted gears. Two hands later he took a 9000 chip pot off of DonkeyStamper and the chip lead. We danced and sparred for the next 15 hands until hand 45. The blinds were now 300/600 and BirdsinDirt was down to just 2245 when she open pushed with her Kc Qs. DonkeyStamper looked to have made a terrible call when he turned over Jc Td but we all know that isn’t always the case with this game. The poker gods slapped BirdsinDirt right in the kisser when the flop came Qd 9d Kd. Birdie had flopped two pair – YESSSSSSSSS. But wait a minute, DonkeyStamper flopped the straight. BirdsinDirt had to settle for 5th place money. But what a great game Birdie.
Going into hand 57, Tai Pan was the chip leader with DonkeyStamper a close second. Then the wheels came off for DonkeyStamper. Tai Pan raised him off a pot when he turned a straight. The next hand, he opened for 1900 and Hazy Cat called to see the flop come Qd 6s 4h. Hazy Cat checked and DonkeyStamper took him all in with a raise of 4400. Hazy held Qs 7s and had flopped top pair. She was happy to make the call. DonkeyStamper had semi-bluffed with big slick – Ad Ks. No help on the turn and the six on the river only added insult. DonkeyStamper was now in fourth place. The very next hand (hand 59), saw DonkeyStamper open for 2000 and Hazy Cat re-raise to 3400 – Stamper rose to the bait and made the call holding Kc Qh. The flop was Kd 5s 7s. Bingo, that was the flop DonkeyStamper was looking for. Hazy Cat bet 7700 and DonkeyStamper was happy to call going all-in. SPROING – our favorite mouser had sprung her trap. She turned over As Ac and DonkeyStamper was sent to the cashier to collect 4th place money. Stamper – very good showing, especially your first week.
With the blinds 300/600 and I was the “short stack” at 13000. 20 big blinds give you plenty of room for poker. No reason to be desperate yet. The action was solid and a lot of fun to play. Hazy Cat was gaining ground on Tai and me. By hand 79 the blinds were now 400/800 and Hazy Cat over half the chips on the table.
Hand 80 and Tai Pan opened for just 1600, Hazy Cat folded and I called the min-raise from the big blind holding Td 8s. The flop was 4d 2d Th giving me top pair. I bet 2000 and Tai Pan called. The turn was the 2c so I pushed all-in for 5205. If Tai Pan doesn’t have a deuce or a ten I should be in good shape. And I was – Tai called and turned over Qc 4c. He had read my bets as a bluff and was looking me up with second pair. But this wasn’t my night for races. The Qh came on the river and I was gone in third place.
We were heads up with Hazy Cat having the advantage 31500 to 22500. Hazy cat took the early lead with a 15000 pot on hand 84. But Tai Pan came right back the very next hand. Both were all-in pre-flop. Hazy Cat with As Kc and Tai pan with Kh Js. Folks sometimes a heads up match come down to luck and this time was a good example. Hazy Cat had the better hand and had Tai Pan dominated as well. But what can you do when your opponent has three outs and two of them show up on the flop? The flop was Jc Jd 5d. That really wasn’t a killer even though it was tough.
The killer was a classic hand. The kind that frequently decides the Holdem Affair. All-in before the flop with Hazy Cat holding 9h 8c and Tai Pan holding Td Tc. The flop came Qh Qs 5s. The turn was the Js and the river Th gave Hazy Cat her straight but it gave Tai Pan a full house. Hazy Cat had hit her hand and it wasn’t good enough.
Great game to both of you. It was good to see you back Tai Pan. Thanks for putting off taking the kids to the beach so you could play wit us. Tell them that old man in Iowa appreciated it.